At the beginning of the month Curtis Evans from the The Passing Tramp put out the call to his fellow bloggers to take part in a month-long event to get us ready for Halloween. Friday Fright Night has found bloggers across the internet as well as familiar faces from the Tuesday Night Blogger crew serving up ghastly delights These are being gathered on up on the Golden Age of Detection Facebook page, but if any of my readers would like to join the fun you are welcome to leave a link in the comments and I'll see that Curtis gets it.
I missed last week and wasn't sure I would be able to put together one today, but I decided to try and squeeze one in under the wire. So...I ransacked my Goodreads book list (the easiest to sort) and will present you a sampling of Halloween-Themed Titles from my read and/or read lists. For most of the categories I have at least two titles, so I am challenging you to match the title to the correct author. But I'll lead with Dwight V. Babcock's (The) Gorgeous Ghoul Case. There are no other ghouls among my books--unless you count the fact that I own two different pocket-size, pulp-era editions.

I haven't read this one yet, but the blurb for Babcock's book promises: You'll Shudder, You'll Groan, You'll Laugh--You'll Sit Up All Night to Read The Gorgeous Ghoul Murder Case! ...the intriguing, contrasting combinations that crows the pages include: A phone call from a dead man! A romantic moon that shines on a bitter fight in an open grave! A sweet-smelling gardenia crushed under the beautiful nude body of a throttled woman! A trumpet that serves as a doorbell! And a skunk that is a house pet! If you're badly in need of sleep, DON'T start this story--because you won't close your eyes until you've read the last action-packed line of this definitely superiour "whodunit"!
Of course, in honor of Halloween itself, there is Hallowe'en Party by Agatha Christie. Leo Bruce also tried his hand at a Halloween mystery with Death on Allhallowe'en. And, coincidentally, each story revolves around the murder of a young person who saw more than s/he should have.
But...on with our ghoulish games. In each category, your challenge is to match up the author with the appropriate title. Please--no peeking in Google. Answers will be posted next Friday so you can see how you did.
1. Ghost of a Chance A. Timothy Fuller
2. Death of a Ghost B. Leslie Ford
3. Old Lover's Ghost C. Kelley Roos
4. What Beckoning Ghost D. Margery Allingham
5. Three-Thirds of a Ghost E. Douglas G. Browne
1. (The) Mystery of the Skeleton Key A. A. B. Cunningham
2. The Skeleton in the Clock B. Lenore Glen Offord
3. The Long Skeleton C. Francis & Richard Lockridge
4. Skeleton Key D. Bernard Capes
5. Skeleton in the Closet E. Carter Dickson
Skulls & Monsters
(I had fewer of these, so I combined)
1. The Riddle of the Traveling Skull A. Robert Finnegan
2. The Monster of Lazy Hook B. John Dickson Carr
3. Castle Skull C. Thorne Lee
4. Many a Monster D. Harry Stephen Keeler
1. The Witch of the Low Tide A. Charlotte Armstrong
2. Brood of the Witch-Queen B. John Dickson Carr
3. The Witch's House C. Sax Rohmer
1. Bats Fly at Dusk A. Mary Roberts Rinehart
2. The Bat B. Sax Rohmer
3. The Bat Flies Low C. A. A. Fair
1. The Devil Loves Me A. Edgar Wallace
2. The Devil's Stronghold B. Ellery Queen
3. The Devil to Pay C. Louis Malley
4. The Devil in the Bush D. E. C. R. Lorac
5. The Devil Man E. Leslie Ford
6. Horns for the Devil F. Matthew Head
7. The Devil & the C.I.D. G. Margaret Millar
Midnight (the witching hour!)
1. Before Midnight A. Rex Stout
2. The Midnight Plumber B. Laurence G. Blochman
3. Prelude to a Certain Midnight C. Maurice Proctor
4. Midnight Sailing D. Gerald Kersh