Friday, August 27, 2021

I'd Rather Be Reading

 I'd Rather Be Reading (2018) by Anne Bogel 

Anne Bogel has written a reader's book. It focuses on the delights of reading--from remembering the books that first hooked us to the reasons we keep reading. Focusing on how we organize our shelves and whether we're collectors or borrowers. She reminds us of the joys of the library and the pleasures of carting out stacks of books from our library. The books we read in the past have helped us become the readers we are today. She speaks eloquently of influences--from having parents who were readers to finding a "book twin" who can help steer you to books you'll like and steer you away from those you won't.

The perfect book for the bibliophile in your life.  ★★★★

First line: Can you recommend a good book?

Last line: Good reading journals provide glimpses of how we've spent our days, and the tell the story of our lives.

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