Whee! A bumper crop month! Finally...and I finally managed to get on track with my GoodReads challenge. No longer behind. Let's see if we can keep that up! Anyway...I'm continuing to combine my monthly wrap-up post with Kerrie's Crime Fiction Pick of the Month over at Mysteries in Paradise. And here we go with the totals:
Total Books Read: 22
Total Pages: 4,062
Percentage by Female Authors: 59%
Percentage by US Authors: 50%
Percentage by non-US/non-British Authors: 0%
Percentage Mystery: 45%
Percentage Fiction: 82%
Percentage written 2000+: 36%
Percentage of Rereads: 14%
Percentage Read for Challenges: 100% {It's easy to have every book count for a challenge when you sign up for as many as I do.}
Number of Challenges fulfilled so far: 12 (41%)

AND, as mentioned above, Kerrie has started us up for another year of Crime Fiction Favorites. What she's looking for is our Top Mystery Read for each month. In July, twelve of the books I read count as mysteries:
The Mummy Case Mystery by Dermot Morrah (4 stars)
Dead Man Control by Helen Reilly (3.75 stars)
The Hollow Chest by Alice Tilton [Phoebe Atwood Taylor] (3 stars)
Spotted Hemlock by Gladys Mitchell (3 stars)
London Particular (aka Fog of Doubt) by Christianna Brand (4 stars)
Dead Old by Maureen Carter (2 stars)
The Case of the Careless Kitten by Erle Stanley Gardner (3.5 stars)
Capacity for Murder by Bernadette Pajer (4 stars)
Mist on the Saltings by Henry Wade (3 stars)
The Black Stage by Anthony Gilbert (3 stars)
As you can see there weren't any run-away winners--although I did had out three 4-star ratings. If I have to choose a single winner for July's POM Award, then I'll have to go with...
The Mummy Case Mystery by Dermot Morrah. This is a wonderful academic mystery--thoroughly steeped in atmosphere and brimming over with witty professors, dotty dons, and eager undergraduates. And you know I love an academic mystery.