Sunday, October 18, 2020

Color Coded Reading Challenge 2021


Once again the categories will be more open--the color may either be named in the title or it may appear as the dominant color for the cover of the book. For "implies color" the image implying color should dominate the cover--for instance a large rainbow, a field of flowers, or the image of a painter. Get ready for a rainbow of reading in 2021. 

General Rules:
~Challenge runs from January 1 through December 31, 2021 and any book read after January 1 may count regardless of when you sign up. You may sign-up any time.

~Read nine books in the following categories:
1. A book with "Blue" or any shade of Blue in the title/on the cover.
2. A book with "Red" or any shade of Red in the title/on the cover.
3. A book with "Yellow" or any shade of Yellow in the title/on the cover.
4. A book with "Green" or any shade of Green in the title/on the cover.
5. A book with "Brown" or any shade of Brown in the title/on the cover.
6. A book with "Black" or any shade of Black in the title/on the cover.
7. A book with "White" or any shade of White in the title/on the cover.
8. A book with any other color in the title/on the cover (Purple, Orange, Silver, Pink, etc).
9. A book with a word/image that implies color in the title/on the cover (Rainbow, Polka-dot, Plaid, Shadow, Paint, Ink, etc).

~Crossovers with other challenges are fine.

~To Sign Up (now that my linky provider has limited the number of "parties" I can host): If you have a blog, please post about the challenge on your site and post a link to your sign-up in the comments below. You may also post a link to a Goodreads or Library Thing list, etc. If you do not have a blog and cannot comment below, then please send me an email at phryne1969 AT gmail DOT com and I will add you myself.

~At the beginning of the new year, I will put up posts for review links for each color category and the sidebar image will be updated to the new challenge links.


Jamie Ghione said...

It's Jamie. I'm in again.

CMash said...

I'm in!! Thank you for hosting!!
Progress will be listed:

Bev Hankins said...

Welcome back, Jamie and Cheryl!!

AParker said...

My name is Allison. New here and would love to join!

Bev Hankins said...

Welcome, Allison! Glad to have you with us.

svangle said...

Excited to try this again in 2021. Hopefully, I will do better

Unknown said...

I'm Gina. I would like to join.

Bev Hankins said...

Welcome back svangle!

Gina--glad you will be with us in 2021.

Laura said...

I am joining the challenge again after a few year's absence. My post is here:

Browneyedbookworm said...

I would love to join

Jjean said...

I am Jjean (Jean) and would like to try this challenge. No blog but a member of goodreads.

Bev Hankins said...

Welcome back, Laura!

So glad to have you join us, Browneyedbookworm and Jjean!

Good luck!

Allison said...

I would love to join this year!

Ken said...

Hi Bev,
Please sign me up. I've just created a GoodReads account. You can find me at:
Is it OK if I start early (like, now)? I would then finish on this date in 2021.

Susan said...

I'm in again! Avid Series Reader
Thanks Bev for consistently hosting your challenges all year long, with easy-to-find links to post reviews.

Candy Bowe said...

This challenge sounds like fun. I would love to join.


Bev Hankins said...

Welcome to the challenge, Allison, Ken & Candy!
Ken, if you'd like to go ahead and start--that would be fine. Hope you have fun with it.

Welcome back, Susan!

goldmoon said...

I'm in again!

Skyler St. Clair said...

First time entering!

Shonna said...

Joining for this year. Here is my sign-up post

Book Dragon said...

I'm joining up again but my ISBN reading has been horrible so I'm hoping I can get a couple of colors this year. I've posted at

(It's been so long I've got to relearn stuff!)

Kristi said...

Going to try to do a better job of keeping track this year. . .

Evil Queen said...

I'm so in!

Malin said...

I'm back for another year:

Tina Hilbert said...

Hi, Tina here. So excited to join in this challenge. Goodreads shelf is

J.G. said...

This is my favorite challenge and I'm in! Thanks for continuing to host it.

Amanda said...

I am Amanda at Orandi et Legendi and I will be doing this challenge again.

Jamie Ghione said...


Bev Hankins said...

Congratulations, Jamie!

Jenna said...

Looking forward to taking part on my Instagram account(@weejenreads). I haven't been able to read much, after falling ill last spring. Now that I'm recovering well, I am looking forward to getting my reading mojo back.

scraptraci said...

I'm in again and will be tracking on my blog