January 2021 kicks off the tenth year for the Mount TBR Reading Challenge and, despite climbing like mad and conquering Mount Everest on the regular each year, I still have mountain ranges to climb. And miles of bookcases to read before I sleep (or something like that). I just can't resist a good old fashioned used bookstore (though they are become rarer and rarer) or the community Hoosier Hills Food Bank Book Sale which adds to the mountains as fast as I knock books off. And, somehow, despite the fact that the COVID-19 pandemic has cancelled both my trips to my favorite used bookstore and the community book sale, my mountain range seems to be just as vast as ever.
So, once again, I plan to concentrate on reading primarily from my own books in the coming year. Perhaps this year I will actually plant a flag on Mount Olympus...but my declared goal will remain Mount Everest. Please join me in knocking out some of those books that have been waiting for attention for weeks...months...even years.
Challenge Levels:
Pike's Peak: Read 12 books from your TBR pile/s
Mount Blanc: Read 24 books from your TBR pile/s
Mt. Vancounver: Read 36 books from your TBR pile/s
Mt. Ararat: Read 48 books from your TBR pile/s
Mt. Kilimanjaro: Read 60 books from your TBR pile/s
El Toro*: Read 75 books from your TBR pile/s (*aka Cerro El Toro in South America)
Mt. Everest: Read 100 books from your TBR pile/s
Mount Olympus (Mars): Read 150+ books from your TBR pile/s
The Rules:
*Once you choose your challenge level, you are locked in for at least that many books. You are welcome to voyage further and conquer taller mountains after your commitment is met. All books from lower mountains carry over towards the next peak.
*Challenge runs from January 1 to December 31, 2021
*You may sign up at any time--no matter when you see this challenge. All qualifying books read after January 1st count.
*Books must be owned by you prior to January 1, 2021--items requested or ordered prior to January 1, may count even if they arrive in the new year. No library books~. If you're looking for a library book challenge or one that counts books on your non-owned TBR list, then please see Mount TBR's sister challenge: the Virtual Mount TBR Challenge.
~The ONLY exception to the library rule: If you own the book in any form and have a reason to check out a version from the library instead, then you may count it. For example--if you own a hard copy, but are planning on taking a trip where listening to the audio version would be a great way to knock out a book while you drive, then by all means check out the audio version and have a wonderful trip! Please check with me if you have questions.
*Rules for Rereads: Any reread may count, regardless of how long you've owned it, provided you have not counted it for a previous Mount TBR Challenge.
*Audiobooks and E-books may count provided they are yours prior to January 1. ARCs are also fine.
*You may count any "currently reading" book that you begin prior to January 1--provided you had 50% or more of the book left to finish when January 1 rolled around. I will trust you all on that. The only exception is if you have participated in Mount TBR in 2020 and were unable to finish the book in time for the final Check-in Post. Then--if you finish the book post-January 1, you may count it as your first step of the new challenge.
*You may count "Did Not Finish" books provided they meet your own standard for such things, you do not plan to ever finish it, and you move it off your mountain [give it away, sell it, remove from e-resources, etc.]. For example, my personal rule (unless it's a very short book) is to give it 100 pages. If I decide I just can't finish it and won't ever, then off the mountain it goes and I count it as a victory--the stack is smaller!
*Books may be used to count for other challenges as well.
*Feel free to submit your list in advance or to tally them as you climb.
*A blog and reviews are not necessary to participate. If you have a blog, then please post about the challenge and link that post (not your home page) in the form below. My link provider has limited the number of link "parties" I can have open at a time--so I will be using Google forms for all my sign-up links this year. Non-bloggers may enter their names only without a blog link OR members of Goodreads are welcome to join the Goodreads group HERE.
*If you post on Facebook, Instagram, or other social media to log a book, please use #MountTBR2021.
* As I have in the past, I will have a headquarters link in the left hand side-bar which will offer links to this original post, monthly review links, and the final wrap-up. I will update it at the beginning of the new year The Headquarters will also have a link to a list of our climbing crew with their commitments.
Happy climbing!
Thank you for hosting!! I'm signed up!!!
So glad you're still climbing with me after all these years, Cheryl!
Just what I was looking for, company when working on my TBR piles... erm, mountains. :)
Pike's Peak: I'll just warm up, for now.
Going officially for 36, but hoping to finish more....
I am a first timer with this challenge but it will keep me motivated to knock off books that I already own 😊 signed up for 24 for now ‘cause I thought let’s not get too ambitious! Excited to begin!
Welcome to all of you first-time challengers! So glad you'll be climbing with us!
Yes, I'm up for Mount Vancouver... again. It's touch and go whether I'm going to reach it this year, but that means it's a good challenge - again!
Just signed up for Mt. Kilimanjaro! Hope to do more than that and looking forward to knocking off some titles off the TBR!
Count me in!! Even if I didn't reach my goal in 2020 :(
Good Luck, Jemima, Padmajha, and Laura!
Have way more than Mount Blanc to tackle, but thought I would start there for now. Can't wait to begin this one!
I cant remember whether I chose Vancounver or Ararat. Where can I check it?
Hi! I've seen this challenge for a few years and would really like to up my reading game this year, so I'm very interested. I also have a newish review blog I'm trying to build with children's chapter and picture books. I know I want to read at least 12 'adult' books this year (and being very optimistic I'm hoping for even more of course. ;)) Would picture book reviews (i.e. being read and posted new for the challenge) count at all?
Pernilleaneatte: I sent you an email--I hope you got it.
Heidi: Welcome to the challenge! Anything you read that is a book counts--children's, picture books, anything.
Signed up! My first year! I look forward to this challenge!
Welcome to the challenge, Brittany! Glad you'll be joining us.
I'm in again this year, with a loftier goal: Mont Blanc. Thanks for continuing this challenge, and making it easy to find sign-up/review links. Avid Series Reader
I am going to sign up wamt to read as much as possible and I only have goodreads I hope that is ok for you to see am I doing good
I've just signed up and am looking forward to reducing my TBR pile by a little bit. I've set my goal to Pike's Peak for the moment.
Thanks for hosting! I'm looking forward to this challenge!
Susan: Welcome back!
Unknown: Good luck--if you have Goodreads, you might want to join the challenge there (the link is found at the word HERE above).
Welcome to the challenge, Namrata Ganti! Hope you have fun with it.
I am doing a few challenges, but want to tackle my home library also, so Mount Blanc for me.
I'm in for another year! Thanks for continuing to host this, one of my favorite reading challenges!
This is my first year attempting this challenge and I'm excited to get started! My Goodreads challenge is 60 books so I have chosen the Mount Ararat challenge - 48 TBR books which leaves me 12 for new additions.
I'm excited! I made my goal of Mt. Ararat in 2020. However, I never posted a blog post for the challenge in 2020 or signed up -- it was all in my head. I didn't do this on purpose, I just forgot. How 2020 is that????
I hardly ever can complete my goal for this challenge, but I love that you keep hosting it every year, because I feel like I need to give the books on my shelf some love! Thanks again for hosting!
Looking forward to tackling the climb. Thanks for hosting!
I've picked Pike's Peak. I've got a bigger pile than that but fell off the wagon for a couple of years and don't want to overwhelm myself. Stressful times to go from 30ish books a month to no ISBN books at all.
I'm back for another year of mountaineering - thanks for hosting again!
Margaret @ BooksPlease - www.booksplease.org
Thank you for hosting one more year, and congrats on it being the 10th year. Signing up once again for Pike's Peak. I am hoping the day comes I can go higher, maybe this year.
Here is the sign up post link: https://itinerantlibrarian.blogspot.com/2021/01/reading-challenge-climbing-mount-tbr-in.html
Best and keep on blogging.
I'm finally signing up. Looking forward to it! Thank you for hosting once again.
Going to try this one for this first time! Oh, no Mount Speed Bump? Guess I'm in for it now. - Rick
Welcome to the climbing crew, Rick. Have fun climbing!
I'm in! Maybe I'll even summit this year! Thanks for hosting again.
Just arrived at the summit of Mt. Ararat, and there is a wicked big boat up here!
Rick--but is there still a zoo?
Lots of animals around, two by two. Oh by the way, just summited Mt. Kilimanjaro! (60 titles)!
I'm in this challenge on Goodreads but didn't even think to sign up here. Better late than never!
Cindy - Chalmation on Goodreads
Cindy: It's not necessary to sign up in both places. I just directed folks to the blog for the prize drawing--since I'm only doing one drawing this year. Previously, I had prize drawings for all challenges--and for Mount TBR & Virtual TBR, I did one drawing on the blog and one on Goodreads. I couldn't manage all that this year with shipping prices going up they way they have.
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