Friday, November 26, 2010

2011 Vintage Mystery Reading Challenge

Not only am I addicted to signing up for reading I'm going to step on the other side and give a shot at sponsoring one.

Introducing: The 2011 Vintage Mystery Reading Challenge. A challenge for all you mystery lovers out there who already love mysteries from the years prior to 1960 and also anyone who's ever thought, "I should give Agatha Christie (Dorothy L Sayers...Sir Arthur Conan Doyle...etc) a try."

Here are the rules:

*All books must have been written before 1960 and be from the mystery category.
*Some suggested authors include: Agatha Christie, Margery Allingham, Dorothy L Sayers, Earl Derr Biggers, Georgette Heyer, Edmund Crispin, Cyril Hare, Ellery Queen, Elizabeth Daly, Cyril Hare, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Ngaio Marsh, S. S. Van Dine, Philip MacDonald, Rex Stout, Phoebe Atwood Taylor, Josephine Bell, Josephine Tey, Frances & Richard Lockridge, Michael Innes and Stuart Palmer. (Please remember that some of these authors published after 1960 as well--so keep an eye on the original copyright date.)

*You are welcome to count these books towards any other challenges as well.

*Challenge runs from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011. Sign up any time between now and November 30, 2011.

*I would love to see reviews of your challenge books, but it is not necessary to participate.
If you do not have a blog, post to the comments what your challenge level will be and then post again at the progess site (see below) when you have completed your challenge (include a list of books read).

*No matter what level you choose, please try at least two different vintage authors.

*The best part? A prize for everyone who completes their challenge. Once you declare your challenge are locked in for that number of books. But you may change your list of books at any time. Let me know when you have met your challenge goal and I will send you a list of prizes (books) to choose from. Of course, the earlier you finish, the longer the list of books will be.

*Please post about the challenge on your blog (feel free to grab the image) with your declared challenge level.
ADDED: I now have a Progress/Reviw site up where you can keep me updated on books read and any reviews you post. Please go HERE for the post.

*Please enter your name/blog name and the link to your challenge post in the linky below.

ADDED: If the Linky disappears (which it may do, I'm trying to arrange to keep it), then please just leave a comment with a link to your blog. Thanks!
Challenge Levels:

In a Murderous Mood: 4-6 Books
Get a Clue:
7-9 Books
Hot on the Trail:
10-12 Books
Capture the Criminal:
13-15 Books
Take 'Em to Trial:
16+ Books


The Golden Age Girls*:
Read 5-7 books from female authors from the vintage years
Cherchez Le Homme
: Read 5-7 books from male authors from the vintage years

(*Please note that this is a play on the television show and not meant to indicate that all women are girls...though you may find that certain authors of this era believe so.)


Renee Barlow said...

Ok, Bev, I entered. But I didn't see a place to lock in a level or make a book list, not that I'm prepared to do so. I've not read widely in the mystery genre, so this will be a fun treat for me.

Birdie said...

D'oh! you knew I couldn't resist this one, didn't you? *sigh* I'm signed up now, and I'll be dropping by (here and IRL) and giving you a hard time about it.

Aleksandra said...

Great challenge :) I'll definitely sign-up! I love Agatha Christie's books & I've been meaning to try the Nero Wolfe series (loved the tv series) but hadn't got around to them... The same goes for Georgette Heyer & Arthur Conan Doyle, so this sounds like a perfect challenge to read them finally :)

Becky said...

Thanks for hosting this one! I am so excited about this. I read my first mystery this year and can't wait to read more :)

Bev Hankins said...

I'm so glad that y'all are liking this challenge idea! I'm kind of my first one and all.

Elena said...

I just signed up and I'm excited about trying out some new mystery authors! Thanks for a great challenge idea. And if you're looking for another challenge for yourself, check out my Shakespeare one:

Kathy A. Johnson said...

I just signed up, and posted about this on my blog. Sounds like pure enjoyment!

April said...

I am looking forward to this and am choosing "Get a Clue". Please see the list on my sidebar and my post.

jlshall said...

So excited about this one! Thanks for hosting (and reading my mind).

Kelly said...

I can't believe I forgot to post the level I'm doing :) I'll be reading 6 books, for the In A Murderous Mood level :) Though you never know. I might enjoy myself wayyyy too much and read a lot more :)

Tasha said...

Hi, Bev. I'm new to your blog and came over from raidergirl3's blog to join your challenge. I'm looking forward to it!

Alison said...

All signed up! I am excited! It's been far too long since I've read many vintage mysteries.

Anonymous said...

Delighted to have the opportunity to take part. I do weekly reviews of classic mysteries, most of them published before 1960. I have already read books by many of the authors in your list, and I look forward to reading and reviewing many more in the coming year. I'll enter at the "Take 'em to Trial" level. I'm new to this blog, so I look forwarde to seeing what others are reading as well. Thanks for hosting us!

Kathy A. Johnson said...

Bev--I'm going for "In a Murderous Mood" too, but haven't chosen my books yet. I will eventually write a post (or more than one) discussing my book challenge books. Can't wait to get started! (Unfortunately, the Rex Stout/Nero Wolfe books I have already on my TBR shelf are too "new." Guess I'll have to track down some more :)) I'd like to try some new-to-me authors from the era, too.

Yvette said...

I've decided, Bev. I'll be going for Take 'Em To Trial - 16 + books. Why not? But I won't be choosing the books in advance - is that ok? I'll probably read whatever I can find either from the library or at one of the used book dealers online. I'll be reviewing the books on my blog either singly or in batches - we'll see.

Jose Ignacio Escribano said...

I'm in at In a Murderous Mood (4 – 6 Books) Level. The Game's Afoot

Dorte H said...

I´m in for "In a Murderous Mood" - the free classics in my Kindle should see me through.

Anonymous said...

I choose "Take Em' To Trial.I have promoted your blog at GADetection yahoo group.

The link to the group:

Melanie said...

Very cool. I am in! I'll go with Get a Clue.

Lulu said...

I would like to enter the mystery challenge and will Take 'em to Trial. Lulu

Joanne Ganley said...

Oh dear! So sorry. I keyed in the post title incorrectly. The second link is correct. :)

I'm looking forward to participating. Thanks for hosting.

Jennifer Lowe said...

I would like to enter at the Take Em To Trial level. I can't wait to get reading in the new year!

Gilion at Rose City Reader said...

I can't wait! I'll get my post up and then come back and sign up officially.

Sherrie said...

I'm so glad I found this reading challenge. I love reading mysteries and the vintage ones are really good. Have a great day!

Just Books

Anonymous said...

What a great idea! I can't wait.

robin michelle said...

Very cool idea! I'll be doing Take Em To Trial.

Robyn Campbell said...

I'm going to do the take 'Em to Trial. This will be fun. :) Merry Christmas.

Margot said...

I am joining the challenge and have posted about it. I tried to sign up but Linky Tools does not want my URL. Can you please do it for me?

Margot @ Joyfully Retired ‎

Thank you.

Amanda Roper said...

May I please join in? I didn't sign up in time, but I'd really like to participate. I'll try In a Murderous Mood for my challenge goal.

Anonymous said...

I am so excited about this challenge. I am trying it on a new blog over on WordPress.

SarcasticMuse said...

I am doing the basic challenge and I will be reading 4-6 books. I am very excited since I will probably be reading mostly Miss Marple's. I will be having all of the books I read for challenges listed on

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am reading the category In a Murderous Mood. I'm going for 6 books.

Aleksandra said...

I signed up :) Thanks for hosting!

Ryan said...

I'm on board....what a terrific idea!

Armchair_Archives said...

Thanks for hosting this, it's going to be a pleasure! My Charlie Chan omnibus has been sitting on my TBR pile for far too long!

Just Stuff From a Boomer said...

I am an avid reader ( 109 in 2010 ) but I will begin with In A Muderous Mook... 4-6 Books. Looks like fun.

Irene Palfy said...

So. I finally did it! :")

Sharon said...

Hi, I saw this at Rose City Reader and thought how much fun it would be! Thanks for hosting it! I already have several that will fit in here just sitting on my shelves.

Laura Hile said...

Like Sharon, I saw this at Rose City Reader and couldn't pass it by. Love classic mysteries. I'm game to "capture the criminal"! :)

Unknown said...

Just caught up with you at Rose City Reader (now your blog is with me as well. I'll start with "Get a Clue", 7 to 9 books.

Dorte H said...

I have read & reviewed John Buchan, Thirty-nine Steps:

Linda said...

I just read a 1960 Judge Dee mystery. It was written between 1953 and 1956, but wasn't published until 1960. Would this count?

Belinda said...

I've just signed up for the second level.

Anonymous said...

Yay for forgetting to comment. I'm going for Hot on the Trail. I can't wait to start :)

Anonymous said...

I'm going to go Hot on The Trail. I love the idea of vintage mysteries.

Bina said...

What a fantastic challenge! I can't resist and have to sign up, I'll go for level 1: In a Murderous Mood. Thanks so much for hosting! :)

Shirley said...

Count me in! I have linked in and am going for In a Murderous Mood. Here's the link to my review of my first in the challenge My Bookshelf on Murder on the Orient Express. I will check about linking with the progress site too.

Gigi Ann said...

I just found your blog and challenge today, and decided to join it. I already read a vintage mystery in January. I am going for the 4-6 books level of the challenge. I have 5 Agatha Christie books I will be reading for the challenge.

Penny said...

This is the kind of murder mystery I love! Give me a country house and a locked room and I'm hooked! I'm about to sign up and am so looking forward to discovering some new authors!

Penny said...

Still can't see how to choose my challenge... I'm going for Get a Clue. Is this enough to set me up for that?

Dorte H said...

I just read the first Danish crime novel (1903):

wutheringwillow said...

I cannot tell you how right this challenge is for me! I’m a major mystery fan and I read a huge amount of books written before the 1960’s. I don’t enjoy the modern mystery books as much as I do those written before the 60’s. Perfect!

Armchair_Archives said...

I just finished my first Earl Derr Biggers mystery:

The House Without a Key (Charlie Chan)

I really enjoyed it! and will definitely be reading more Charlie Chan.

Unknown said...

Just reviewed Agatha Christie's The Secret of Chimneys - I may be revising my initial reading list in the coming weeks. But anyway, it's so much fun to lose myself in a good Christie novel! Here's the link:

Tea said...

Oh my goodness, I signed up for this challenge. Forgot all about it. Can only try....

Tea said...

So much is going on in my life at this time. I really hate to opt out of The Vintage Mystery Reading Challenge. I hate to disappoint you. I look forward to joining next year? Thank you for having me.

Bev Hankins said...

@Tea: I definitely understand not being able to complete it. I do plan on hosting again next year (with a bit of a change-up to keep things interesting). Would love to have you join in then.

Gilion at Rose City Reader said...

I finally did a wrap up post for this 2011 one, so I can start on the 2012.

I'm reading my first 2012 book now and have gone straight to the source -- The Mysterious Affair at Styles, Agatha Christie's first Hercule Poirot book. Fun!