Well, my fellow mountaineers, our virtual climbing expedition is coming to a close and it's time to get ready for the Final Mountaineering Checkpoint. Considering how 2020 seemed to go on forever, it's still hard to believe that our current trek is almost over. I'm ready to hear how all our mountain-climbing team members have done out there on Rum Doodle, Mt. Crumpit, Mt. Seleya....whichever peak you've chosen. Checkpoint participation is absolutely voluntary and is not considered necessary for challenge completion.
For those who would like to participate in this checkpoint post, I'd like you to at least complete the first of these two things. And if you feel particularly inspired (or generous about humoring me during the holiday season), then please do both.
1. Tell us how many miles you made it up your mountain (# of books read). If you've planted your flag on the peak, then tell us, take a selfie, and celebrate (and wave!). Even if you were especially athletic and have been sitting atop your mountain for months, please check back in and remind us how quickly you sprinted up that trail. And feel free to tell us about any particularly exciting book adventures you've had along the way.
Since my main objective in TBR mountain-climbing is to read from my own stacks, I set my goal for the virtual climb at Rum Doodle and managed to meet that goal back in June. Of course the non-owned books still called my name and I have since planted flags on Mt. Crumpit as well. I've made it a few steps up Mount Munch, but I've headed back to base camp so I can concentrate on a few more steps up Olympus over in Mount TBR.
2.Use titles from your list to complete as many of the following sentences below as you can. I've given my answers as examples. Feel free to add or change words (such as "a" or "the" or others that clarify) as needed.
My Life According to Books
1. My Ex is/was The Colorado Kid
2. My best friend is [a] Flame in the Mist
3. Lately, at work [it's been like] The Christie Curse
4. If I won the lottery, [I'd build] Palaces for the People
5. My fashion sense [is] What Angels Fear
6. My next ride [will be on the] Beatles['] Yellow Submarine
7. The one I love is [the] Duke of My Heart
8. If I ruled the world, everyone would [say] This Is Paradise
9. When I look out my window, I see A Night in the Lonesome October
10. The best things in life are Between the Devil & the Duke
And what do you get for all that hard work? The Checkpoint will close at 11:59 pm on Saturday, January 9. On Sunday I will crank up the Custom Random Number Generator and pick a winning climber. He or she will have the chance to add to their own TBR stack via my gently-used book vault (prize list will be sent). For those who also participate in the Mount TBR Challenge, this prize may count towards your 2021 TBR climb.
Even if you're not in the mood for a prize or if you got distracted by pretty scenery or side trails (your own books, ARCs, what-have-you), I'd love to have you check in and tell us how your 2020 mountain climb went!
Since I am limited on my linky parties with my current link provider, please use the comments section to give us your wrap-up answer/s. I will base the number for the prize drawing on your position in the comments. Thanks!
Even if you're not in the mood for a prize or if you got distracted by pretty scenery or side trails (your own books, ARCs, what-have-you), I'd love to have you check in and tell us how your 2020 mountain climb went!
Since I am limited on my linky parties with my current link provider, please use the comments section to give us your wrap-up answer/s. I will base the number for the prize drawing on your position in the comments. Thanks!
I did mine a little early, so it hasn't got the game, sorry. But I read a whole lot of books this year! https://howlingfrog.blogspot.com/2020/12/tbr-challenges-2021-and-2020-wrap-up.html
I passed my goal for the year. Here's my wrap up post. (I do both of the challenges in one post.)
Hello Bev
A Very Happy New Year to you.
I was able to finish this successfully. Here's my wrap-up post:
I am glad to see an old edition of the Vintage mysteries challenge being offered once again. Thanks. I am so signing up for it.
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