Thanks to BookQuoter over at A Thousand Books with Quotes I am the proud recipient of more Blog Awards. To accept these awards you must link back and thank the person who recognized you and then ten questions/tell ten things about yourself. The best part--after answering the questions, you get to pass the awards on to your favorite bloggers.
First, she once again blessed me with the "Life is Good" Award. I received this one earlier (my first award!) and will now accept again...with the same 10 answers.
1. If you blog anonymously are you happy doing it that way; if you are not anonymous do you wish you had started out anonymously so you could be anonymous now? I've been full-on from the start. Booksa are one are of my life that I'm not shy about. So I have no problem putting myself out there just as I am.
2. Describe one incident that shows your inner stubborn side. I think most of my family & good friends would agree that there's nothing "inner" about my stubborn side. I'm stubborn from a long line of stubborn (my dad's side of the family--and, yes, they know I say that). I'm the only one who is not too stubborn to admit it.
3. What do you see when you really look at yourself in the mirror? A middle-aged (can that be right?) woman who is more content with herself than she ever was in the first 30 years of her life. Very comfortable with who I am...although there's always room for improvement.
4. What is your favorite summer cold drink? Lemonade or Pink Lemonade.
5. When you take time for yourself, what do you do? Read (of course). Blog. Work on my novel. Scrapbook.
6. Is there something you want to accomplish in your life? Publish the aforementioned novel. Travel (specifically to the British Isles as well as other places). Perhaps go back to college for a Master's Degree.
7. When you attended school, were you the class clown, the class overachiever, the shy person, or always ditching? The shy, academic overachiever--always with my nose in a book.
8. If you close your eyes and want to visualize a very poignant moment in your life what would you see? Oh dear, I don't know. I don't spend a lot of time looking back. I'm more focused on the future and now. In that order. I should probably think more about what "is" rather than what might be coming.
9. Is it easy for you to share your true self in your blog or are you more comfortable writing posts about other people or events? Well, considering that my blog is a book-blog, I'm mostly writing about other "people" and their "events." Hopefully, I come through... with my thoughts and sense of humor...I do try to get that in there.
10. If you had the choice to sit down and read or talk on the phon, which would you do and why? Read. No contest. I hate talking on the phone...unless it's my best friends, then I can talk for hours. But I'd much rather sit down with someone in person.
Now I will pass this award on:
The next two Awards require that I share ten things about myself.
1. I'm an only child. Spoiled...but not rotten. I think.2. I have sung with the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir in NYC (twice).
3. When I'm not riding the graduate secretary desk in the English Department, I'm whacking softballs around the field with our departmental co-rec softball team.
4. I wanted to be an Olympic figure skater or an author when I grew up. Working on the second one...that skating thing, not gonna happen.
5. I do not watch cable tv at all. Don't ask me who I think will win Idol or who will get kicked off the island next. No clue.
6. Speaking favorite board game is Clue (I'm a mystery-lover, go figure.)
7. My favorite season is Fall. I love the colors on the trees, the crisp air, wearing sweaters.
8. I love to camp. I've been camping since my parents took me in my bassinet. I just wish it weren't so much work (putting up the tent, carting the gear)...but it's so worth it once everything's set up.
9. I am still in mourning for Mason's Rare & Used Book Store. Once upon a time in a little town called Wabash there was an AWESOME used book store. Mr. Mason would hold "happy hour" on Fridays and I could walk out of there with a pile of books that I could barely see over in exchange for my tiny allowance. Then Mason's went away (out east where the rare books are--or so rumor had it). After a few years, he came back and set up shop in Lebanon. I was back in book-lover's heaven. Until 3 years ago when he retired for good. Best used book store EVER. I'm still looking for something even close.
10. I have been a Scout mom for ten years. Assistant Den Leader. Going on extraordinary camp outs (Rocky Mountains, Boundary Waters in Minnesota). Helping my son on a mad-dash to Eagle Scout. (He's waiting on his final Board of Review--almost there!)
And my choices to recieve both of these awards: