Saturday Snapshot is a meme hosted by Alyce at At Home with Books. All you have to do is "post a photo that you (or a friend or family member) have taken and then leave a direct link to your post in the Mr. Linky on [her] blog. Photos can be old or new, and be of anything as long as they are clean and appropriate for all eyes to see. How much detail you give is up to you." All she asks is that you don't just post random photos that you find online. (Click picture for close-up.)

Continuing the Halloween theme. This is me as "Captain Bev" in charge of the good ship S. S. Graduate Studies. There are days when I wouldn't mind having phasers to put on stun and use....
Nobody should cross someone with that in hand! LOL
Thanks for sharing and making me grin...and for visiting my blog.
Beam me up, Bev! LOL Halloween is so much fun, isn't it?
This is great! Happy Halloween. Live long and prosper!
LOL I know what you mean. I teach
7th grade history and well this week I needed a tranquilizer gun.
:-D I love my fellow Trekkies.
Great costume. I don't think I could pull off that one. But the old Star Trek costumes were better than The Next Generation. From the look of those costumes, they spend most of their hours in the future working out.Here's Mine
That's awesome! And at least you didn't have the red shirt - you know what happens to the guy in the red shirt! :)
My Snapshot is here.
I love it! The original costumes. Such good memories!
My husband would love your costume!
Yay! Someone else who has their own Star Trek costume. :) Mine is a dreaded red shirt (mostly because my husband was the captain, I didn't think I could pull off Spock, and I certainly wasn't going to wear Uhura's miniskirt).
That's a great costume! But then, I'm an old Trek fan.
I have the pattern for all the shirts, just in case I ever need to make one. I'd have to be blue, a science officer. No red shirt for me!
Great photo, Bev :)
I think we could all do with those phasers at times! :D
Nice costume!
Too funny Bev; bet you'll be glad when the classes are done.
Love the phaser comment! I'm sure I could sell a ton of those at my work...middle school! Great pic!
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