Friday, July 8, 2011

Friday Memes

Book Beginnings on Friday is a bookish meme sponsored by Katy at A Few More Pages. Here's what you do: Share the first line (or two) of the book you are currently reading on your blog or in the comments section. Include the title and author so we know what you're reading. Then, if you are so moved, let us know what your first impressions were based on that first line and if you did or did not like that sentence. Link up each week at Katy's place.

Here's mine from Hot & Bothered by Jane Isenberg (the book opens with an email):

Mom: Thanks for the invitation to the block party. It's cool that it's happening regardless of the attack on September 11. I'm really proud you all decided not to let the terrorists cause you to break with neighborhood tradition.

The Friday 56 is a bookish meme sponsored by Freda's Voice. It is really easy to participate.

*Grab a book, any book.
*Turn to page 56.

*Find any sentence that grabs you.

*Post it.

*Link up at Freda's site.

Here's mine from
Hot & Bothered by Jane Isenberg:

People like you who are willing to give somebody a second chance remind us what this country of ours is all about.


Booklady said...

This sounds like an awesome read. I've added it to my TBR pile. Thanks for sharing.

Beverly aka Booklady

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

I like the sound of this one...thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog.

Anonymous said...

Patriotic theme, yes?

Kathy Martin said...

It just might be cynical old me but I'm hearing sarcasm in both of those quotes. Do I hear correctly? I hope you are enjoying the book. Happy reading!

Bev Hankins said...

@Kathy: Definitely not sarcasm in the first...and I don't think in the second (although I haven't read much beyond that and I could be proven wrong...don't know the character who spoke that one well yet).

Nic said...

Hmm... Both are really interesting. They sound like the type of things that you can read several different times and in several different ways and each time take away a different meaning. I'll remember this one, thanks for sharing!

fredamans said...

Patriotic 56 doesn't match the title of the book.... I'm thinking it's a romance.
Thanks for participating!

Anonymous said...

I've read one of Jane Isenberg's mysteries, cozies. Really enjoyed it. Isn't she an English Professor?

Anne@HeadFullofBooks said...

I can't tell. Is the book a novel or nonfiction. The narrator certainly seems sarcastic to me, too.

My book beginning is part of my book review for the wonderful historical novel: Between Shades of Gray.

Thanks for dropping by my blog

Katy said...

I think I like this beginning, though I'd want to read a bit more before I decided.

Thanks for participating in Book Beginnings!

Yvonne @ Fiction Books Reviews said...

Hi Bev,

Your book this week, sounds nearly as esoteric and strange as my own.

From the lines that you have featured, I certainly couldn't envisage the cozy mystery the synopsis tells me it is.

This is an author that is new to me, but one I may be tempted to try, especially if my own slightly comic mystery lives up to my expectations.


Ann said...

Wow! That is certainly a different opening. I had never heard of the term block party before moving to this part of the world. I've yet to participate in one though but they sound like fun!

Irene said...

great choice. We shouldn't let the terrorists win.