Thursday, July 14, 2011

Booking Through Thursday: Biographies

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This week's Booking Through Thursday question(s): There are so many crappy biographies … would you rather read a poorly-written biography of a fascinating life, OR an exquisitely well-written, wonderful read of one of a not-so-interesting life?

I can't figure out why I'd want to read anything that was poorly-written--biography or not. No matter how exciting the person's life, the writing would always get in the way. Poor writing would most likely make me give up on the book (it has in the past). I'll take exquisite writing any day. And there's always the chance that the wonderful writing will make the "not-so-interesting" life seem WAY more fabulous than it was.

Of course, what I'd really hope for is an exquisitely written book about an absolutely fascinating person. That would be the real winner!


jlshall said...

Almost exactly what I said. But then, I suppose everyone feels pretty much the same -- exquisite every time!

CMash said...

Because of your college major and the novels you enjoy, I am not surprised that the writing is very important to you.

Col (Col Reads) said...

Great writing would probably reveal that no life is really that boring after all, so that's the one I'd choose!

Anonymous said...

Yes, hopefully the excellent writing would make up for the dull subject matter. It'd have to be someone I really wanted to know more about to make me put up with atrocious writing.

Gigi Ann said...

I prefer autobiographies, and I especially enjoy listening to the author reading them. I recently listened to Julie Andrews reading her memoir "Home" it was 11 hours long, so I know I never would have read the book, but did enjoy listening to Julie reading it. I am currently listening to Betty White reading her book "If You Ask Me (and of course you won't)" and I am also enjoying listening to her reading her book.

Yvonne said...

I feel exactly the same way! I can't understand reading a poorly written book in any genre.