Friday, July 15, 2011

Blog Fest 2011! Party Time in July!

It's Here! Blog Fest 2011 starts today! Sponsored by A Journey of Books, Blog Fest is a blog run of sorts. A list of participating blogs may be found at the Blog Fest Home Site and each of these sites will be offering a fantastic giveaway for readers to enter. Each blog will link to another, leading readers through the fantastic party we have set up for them! You can also go to the Blog Fest Tracking Site for a chance to earn extra prizes--each blog that you track as having visited gives an extra entry towards a special drawing.

Thanks so much for stopping by here at My Reader's Block! What I have on offer are two prize packages:

Prize Number 1.
A $25.00 gift card for (it is the entrant's responsibility to ensure that they are eligible for the use of US gift cards and that Amazon will ship to their address)

Prize Number 2. A set of f
our VERY gently used mysteries (all four are like new) which includes:

Last Dickens by Matthew Pearl: Boston, 1870. When news of Charles Dickens's sudden death reaches his struggling American publisher, James Osgood sends his trusted clerk, Daniel Sand, to await the arrival of Dickens's unfinished final manuscript. But Daniel never returns, and when his body is discovered by the docks, Osgood must embark on a quest to find the missing end to the novel and unmask the killer. With Daniel's sister Rebecca at his side, Osgood races the clock through a dangerous web of opium dens, sadistic thugs, and literary lions to solve a genius's last mystery and save his own life--and the life of the woman he loves.

A Flaw in the Blood by Stephanie Barron: Windsor Castle, 1861. Prince Albert, the Queen's Consort, lies dying and Victoria summons Patrick Fitzgerald, the clever, embittered Irish barrister who has helped defend Her Majesty from a would-be assassin 20 years ago. Within hours, Fitzgerald's beautiful ward is nearly murdered, his chambers are ransacked, and another girl lies dead. Could an unknown force at Windsor want Fitzgerald silenced? And why? The answers are entangled in an electrifying tale of intrigue, seduction, and betrayal, partially narrated by Europe's most powerful monarch.

The An
gel's Game by Carlos Ruiz Zafón: Barcelona, pre-WWII. David Martin, a pulp fiction writer struggling to stay afloat, is holed up in an abandoned mansion in the heart of the town, furiously typing story after story and becoming increasingly desperate and frustrated. When he is approached by a mysterious publisher offering him a book deal that seems almost too good to be true, David leaps at the chance. But as he begins the work, and after a visit to the Cemetery of Forgotten Books, he realizes that there is a connection between his book and the shadows that surround his dilapidated home and that the publisher may be hiding troubling secrets of his own.

Death of a Chimney Sweep by M. C. Beaton: In the south of Scotland, residents get their ch
imneys vacuum-cleaned. But in the isolated villages in the very north of Scotland, the villagers rely on the services of the itinerant sweep, Pete Ray, and his old-fashioned brushes. Pete is always able to find work in the Scottish highlands...until the day Police Constable Hamish Macbeth notices blood dripping on the floor of a villager's fireplace and a dead body stuffed inside the chimney. And when Pete's body is found on the Scottish moors, the mystery deepens. Once again, it's up to Hamish to discover who's responsible for the dirty deeds.

To enter just leave a comment with your name and email address. You do not have to be a follower to enter--although new followers are always appreciated! Please tell me if you would like to be entered in both drawings or just one (and specify which one). If both, tell me which package you prefer--I will only award one package per entrant and will honor the first choice of the first winner selected. Prize entries will be accepted from 12:00 AM on Friday, July 15th through Midnight EST on Sunday, July 17th. Winners will be selected on Monday, July 18th and will be contacted by email. Winners will have 72 hours to respond and claim their prize. If a prize remains unclaimed at that time a new winner will be selected. I am willing to ship the book prize package internationally.

And here are your next stops on your Blog Fest 2011 Journey:

My Shelf Confessions
Mysteries & Histories
News and reviews from the Heart of the Dragons Den
noodleBubble niceBlog
Notorious Spinks Talks Books



Sharon said...

Thanks for a chance at winning! I'd like prize pack #1 if I were able to choose.

sharn3960 @ comcast . net

Bunny B said...

I would love to win prize #1 - Amazon gc.
bunnybx at gmail . com

Yvonne said...

Great giveaway! I'd love to be entered into the giveaway for prize #1.


Unknown said...

WOW! I'm not sure which of your giveaways sounds better!!

Misha said...

Thanks for the giveaway!
I would love to win either of the prize packages.
I am an old GFC follower.

Buffy said...

Very fun, Bev. I'm happy to be entered in both!

Courtney Reads said...


Courtney- courtnut1990 at yahoo dot com

wutheringwillow said...

Hi, Bev! Great Giveaway!

I would like to enter for Giveaway Package #2. I think you already know my email address so I am not going to repeat it. Not that I hope to win. My luck is lousy when it comes to this sort of things!

April X said...

Thank you for the giveaway :) I'd like to enter for both, although number 1 would be my first choice.

Marce said...

Giveaway 1 please Bev, more Kindle books, keeping my fingers crossed.


Bryan R. Dennis said...

Hi, new follower here, found you through the hop. Have a great weekend!

My blogfest giveaway is at: Indie Snippets

(bryanrdennis at gmail dot com)

Unknown said...

I would like to be entered for both, but would prefer #1. Thanks!
amandarwest at gmaildotcom

gautami tripathy said...

I like prize pack #2.



mrs_laura_koehler said...

I love a good mystery.
Thanks for the giveaway.
New Follower!!!!


Sheila Hickmon said...

I'd love to be entered for both prizes, I would prefer prize #1 if I won!

fineinsanity (at) live (dot) com

Kanya said...

Please, count me in for both prizes. I would prefer #1, if I won!
Thanks for the giveaway!


Unknown said...

A great giveaway. I'll throw my name in the hat for the Amazon GC. I use them to purchase Kindle books, despite living in Canada.

Bwyatt said...

I'm interested in both prizes but my 1st choice would be the amazon card. Thanks for the giveaway!

Suz said...

Thanks for this amazing giveaway! I would love to win #1!

susanw28 (at) mindspring (dot) com

Joy Tamsin David said...

I'd love to be entered in the giveaway for the gift card! Thanks for the opportunity!


vvb32 reads said...

prize pack 2 looks great!
vvb32 at

Maureen said...

Please enter me in both giveaways
#1 would be my first choice
mce1011 AT aol DOT com

Rebekah said...

I love both prizes, but #1 is my favorite.

miryfaye at

Theresa said...

I like both prizes but would like the Amazon one first. Thanks for the giveaway!

Michelle said...

Please enter me for Prize #1! Thanks for the chance to win!
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com

Jennifer Mathis said...

please enter for both but i would prefer num 1

Stacy Taylor said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win a prize!

I'd love to win anything but do prefer the gift card so I can continue to load up my kindle. Have a great day.

Obsession with Books said...

A wonderful giveaway! thank-you.


My giveaway -

Have a nice weekend.

Susan said...

Thanks for the chance!
Susan Bryant

Library Lady said...

I'd like to win Prize #1.
adsanders77 at gmail dot com

Michelle said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I'm a new follower too! I'd like to be entered in both. I'd prefer the gift card if I win because I can use it toward buying a Kindle! books(at)bookwormfamily(dot)com

neer said...

Hi Bev

Thanks for the very generous giveaway. I'd love to have Prize #2.


LoveOfBooks said...

Cool giveaway. I'm a GFC follower. Please enter me in #1.

cmdalton (AT) sbcglobal (DOT) net

Love of Books

Denise Donaldson (MistySunrise) said...

follow on GFC as its just me.

I would like Prize #1 please

itjustme62613 at

layen said...

Please enter me for #1

Thanks for the giveaway

lincalc at gmail dot com

Melissa said...

Thanks for the giveaway.

I would like #1


Rubita said...

Although I'm very tempted by the Stephanie Barron book, I'd like to be entered in the first giveaway--the Amazon GC.

donnas said...

Thanks for the chance! I would like prize 1.

bacchus76 at myself dot com

hendy said...

Thanks for the giveaway. My first choice would be the first prize Amazon GC.
hendymartin1 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

Thanks so much! I'd like to be entered for both prizes, but I prefer prize #1.


Allie said...

I would like the Amazon gift Card Please
iheartmemorethanyou at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I'd like to be entered for the first prize.

Alshan said...

I want prize #1. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Thank You for the giveaway. Prize one is my pick.
heiroftherealm at yahoo dot com

Tsuichu said...

It's hard to pick one, I guess I will pick the first prize.

Emma said...

It seems like a lot of people are picking the first prize, which is the prize I would like too.

Anonymous said...

I want to win the first prize, the Amazon gift card so i can get a book from my wishlist. Thank you!
EMAIL: lenaikuta at yahoo dot com

Yiting said...

mockingbird146 AT yahoo DOT com
Giveaway #1 PLEASE :D

FreakChiq said...

Please enter me for prize pack #1 (Amazon GC)!

Thanks for the chance! :)


andrea b said...

thanks for the giveaway!
I'd like to enter for the first prize :)


Marjorie/cenya2 said...

Prize 1 is a super gift, I would love to win it.
Great giveaways, thanks for the chance to win.

cenya2 at hotmai dot com

Anonymous said...

I'd like to win Prize # 1.


GFC Follower: Thao Huynh (USA)


Pauline MIlner said...

Thanks for participating.

If I were lucky enough to win, I would choose prize package number 2. You have some great books to offer. ~Pauline

Mary Preston said...

Fabulous giveaway thank you.

I would be very happy with either prize.

Mary Preston

Ally said...

Great giveaway! I would love to win either of the prizes :)

~The Book Pixie said...

Thanks so much for this fabulous giveaway! Just enter me for #1, thanks! :D


Jasmine1485 said...

I'd like to enter prize no. 2 please! :)

kate1485 at

Tamara said...

I'd love pack #2
Thanks :)

buddyt said...

Thank you for the giveaway and for opening it to International ntries.

Much appreciated.

Please enter me for both drawings.

Carol T

buddytho {at} gmail DOT com

debbie said...

I would like to be entered in both prizes.

Bluerose said...

I would like to enter both of them, but I would prefer #1. :) Thanks!

bluerosesheart at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

Thanks for the great giveaway! I'd like to enter both giveaways, though #2 is my preference.

I'm a new GFC follower. :)

susanna DOT pyatt AT student DOT rcsnc DOT org

Kristen said...

Would love to win Prize 1. Thanks for the chance!!

dragonzgoil at gmail dot com

Dovile said...

I'd like to enter for both giveaways. Thanks!

spamscape [at] gmail [dot] com

Katy said...

Please enter me in both giveaways! #2 is my preference!

:) afewmorepages[at]gmail[dot]com

anarmchairbythesea said...

Awesome giveaway, and lovely blog! I am a new follower and i'd love to be entered for the second drawing.
Thanks! :-)


Darlene said...

Please enter me in the draw! Both sound great, so please enter me in both!

My email address is darlenesbooknook at gmail dot com.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Lexi said...

Thanks for a chance to win! #1 would be my first choice, but mysteries are good too.
Book variety is good for the soul =)


dollycas aka Lori said...

Fantastic giveaway!! I am a follower!! I would love to be entered for both giveaways and would want the books more than gift card, but a gift card is wonderful too!!

dollycas 79 at gmail dot come

ham1299 said...

I'd prefer #1.

~ Heather (ham1299)


Janhvi said...

thanks for the giveaway!!

i would like to be entered for prize#2

Janhvi Jagtap

justjanhvi at gmail dot com

Texas Book Lover said...

My first choice would be #1 but I would be happy with either.

Thank you very much!

mmafsmith at gmail dot com

mamabunny13 said...

Thanks for the giveaway! My first choice is for Prize Number 1 but please enter me for both.
mamabunny13 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Thanks for the giveaway! both please!

Bitsy Bling Books said...

Oh I'd love to win either! Thanks!


Michelle Flick said...

mf060784 at gmail dot com

Carol N Wong said...

I would love Prize Pack #1, I already have one of the books in the other pack.

Thank you for the giveway.


Enbrethiliel said...


Thank you for hosting this great giveaway! =D

I'm entering for Prize #2 and keeping my fingers crossed. We all need more mysteries in our lives, aye? ;-)

Alison said...

I would be happy with either prize pack. Thanks for the chance

Anonymous said...

Awesome! I would love either one!
GFC follower.
djsloan1953 at yahoo(dot)com

Carol M said...

Please enter me for both. The gift card would be my first choice.
Thank you!

Logan Schumann said...

Thanks for the giveaway!
GFC-Gloria Schumann

geschumann at live dot com

cjabdelnour said...

I'd choose the amazon card. I am saving for Christmas. Thanks! Cheryl I also follow by gfc.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
I'd love to be entered for the amazon card

Steph @ The Caffeinated Reader


Wolfluvr420 said...

Thanks for the giveaway!
I would love Prize #1
wolfluvr420 at yahoo dot com

Megan @ Inspired by Fiction said...

please enter me in #1
inspiredbyfiction at gmail dot com

Amanda said...

thanks for the giveaway would like to be entered for #2!


Unknown said...

Great Giveaway I would like to be entered in both and I prefer giveaway #1 Thankyou!!

velvethubler at yahoo dot com

Roof Beam Reader said...

Fantastic giveaway - thanks so much for the chance!

#1 is my first choice, but please do enter me for both - as I haven't read any of those 4 books, but they're actually all on my "TBR" list.


E.J. Stevens said...

Happy BlogFest! Thank you for the wonderful giveaway. Please enter me in both drawings.[at]gmail[dot]com

p.s. Don't miss our international BlogFest 2011 giveaway July 15-17 at From the Shadows. :)
Paranormal Author E.J. Stevens
From the Shadows

Krystal Larson said...

I would love prize pack #1 :) Thank you so much for the generous giveaway! edysicecreamlover18ATgmailDOTcom

Anonymous said...

I would love to be entered for prize pack #2. Thanks.


Badass Bookie said...

Thanks for the great giveaway! I would love to win Package #1 ;)

Sherry said...

Thanks for the giveaway. I would like to be entered for package #1.

GFC follower - Sherry S.

sstrode at scrtc dot com

Aik said...

I'd choose prize #1.

aikychien at yahoo dot com

Sassy said...

I would LOVE Prize Number 1

sassysasha817 at gmail dot com

June M. said...

I would like to be entered for Prize 1: Amazon Gift Card.

GFC: June M.
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com

Karen C said...

Prize package #2 looks wonderful - I love to win it! Thanks for the chance.
kacbooks at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

Thank you for the giveaway! Either one is great. :)

ceeenndee at gmail dot com

BrittanyGale said...

I would like to be entered for only prize pack #2 Thanks :)


Julie D. said...

I would like to be entered for both prize packs. Thanks!

ikkinlala said...

How generous! I'd be interested in prize #1.

ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca

Linda Kish said...

Sounds great. Count me in, please.

I would prefer #1 but either would be fine.

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

Tara said...

I would love to be entered for the first prize pack!

Thank you!

TaraTagli at gmail dot com

chelsei said...

Please enter me in Prize #1. Thank You.

hedgerhousehold said...

Thank you for the giveaway.
I would like to be entered for both but would prefer #1
jenhedger at hotmail dot com

slehan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
slehan said...

My Amazon wish list is long so I will be glad to have that prize.
Thanks for the contest.

slehan at juno dot com

coliebear said...

I would love to win prize pack #1

SiNn said...

honestly both would be awesome to have enter me in both please and ty but my firts choice would be prize pack number 2 ty for teh chance

Alex said...

I think I'll say Number 1, though 2 is very tempting as well. Thank you for this chance!

alessandroconno at hotmail dot com

Tonya Dean said...

I would love to win the Amazon gift card. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!!


Unknown said...

Thank you for the great giveaway!

I would only like to be entered for giveaway #1, thank you!

Have a nice weekend!

stella.exlibris (at) gmail (dot) com

Mona said...

Thanks :)
Prize #1 please

GFC(Mona Garg) -- new follower


angelshimmery said...

Thanks so much! I'd like to be entered for both prizes, but I prefer prize #2 if I by some miracle happen to win.

angelshimmery at gmail dot com

Stormi said...

Both prizes sound great but I think I will go with the Gift Card because I have a huge wishlist to


Sarah said...

I became a GFC follower as Sarah453, and I would love to enter for the Amazon GC! Thanks for the chance to win! :)

slbastin at gmail dot com

Alyssa (Hesperia Loves Books) said...

I would love to win prize pack 1

GFC Follower

hesperialovesbooks AT gmail DOT com

Anonymous said...

I have a Kindle so I would love to win Prize #1: $25 Amazon Gift Card. Thank you for such a generous giveaway!

user1123 AT comcast DOT net

Dinda said...

Thanks for the giveaway !!!
Please enter me for prize #2.


Lala77 said...

Please enter me for both drawings and thank you for the opportunity to win.
bookloon at gmail dot com

Jennifer Wells said...

I'd like to be entered in both drawings, but I prefer #1. Thanks for the giveaway!

latishajean said...

Great giveaway thank you so much I would love to enter for the amazon giftcard! Thanks so much for the chance!
Latisha D

Kate Maxwell said...

What a wonderful giveaway! I would love to win the packet of mysteries! I am always up for a good mystery now and then!
Neat site! Thanks for the chance to win!
I can be found here or OreAnnie[at]yahoo[dot]com

Ed of Frequent Reader, Infrequent Blogger said...

prize #1

escrappy78 at gmail dot com

skyla11377 said...

I would just like to enter to win Prize Number 1. What an awesome way to celebrate Blogfest.


Hannah said...

I would like to enter for prize number 2 please, those books sound very interesting :)
Thanks for the giveaway.

jaedia at live dot co dot uk

ChiKittie said...

Thank you for this giveaway. I would love prize one please if I won. :)


anme said...

I'd love to be entered in both drawings, prize # 2 would be my preferred one.

melorabrock {at} gmail {dot} com

Anne R said...

thanks for the giveaway, I would be happy with either package.

areeths at new dot rr dot com

Anonymous said...

I would love to win prize #1 - Amazon gc.

Judy said...

Thanks for the giveaway.

New follower-judy

Either package is fine- #2-#1


doreen lamoureux said...

New follower .... dor
I would love to enter for the 2 packages.

dorcontest at gmail dot com

Jessica said...

Thank you for the giveaway! I would like to be entered into both contests. Either one are great prizes to me.

GFC Follower - jbronderblogs
Jessica - jbronderblogs at aol dot com

~ Babs ~ said...

I am an old follower ( Barbara Hightower )

I would like both but prefer #2 first.

bhitwr at gmail dot com

Jessica said...

Thanks for the email, sorry for the clicker happy! - Jessica

books4me said...

Thank you for the giveaway! Please enter me in the 1st choice, the $25Amazon GC.

books4me67 at

Sarah the Hobbit said...

Thanks for the giveaway!
sarahthehobbit at gmail dot com

Ella said...

Hi! I would love to be entered in both contests (: The prize package I would prefer is prize number 2 (: Thank you for the giveaway! (:


Marjie said...

Thanks for the giveaway

Karen Michelle Nutt said...

I'd love a chance for #1 thanks so much!!

info at kmn books dot com

Mary @SweepingMe said...

I would love to be entered into both! But prefer #1 because I can get some ebooks for my new ereader.

Thanks so much.

mary_reiss @

Following GFC.

Becca said...

What great prizes! I would be happy to win either one...I really have no preference! Thanks! sbcashortie at hotmail dot com

Shelagh said...

I would love to enter both giveaways - both prizes are great, so I can't give a clear preference.

Thank you for hosting this leg of Blogfest. :)

wordfiend at

The Word Fiend

Tara W said...

Thanks for the chance! I would like to enter for prize #1.
new gfc follower: Tara W
mizztuts AT bellsouth DOT net

Ellie Wright said...

Both prizes are great so I would love to enter for either one.
Thanks for the giveaway!
eswright18 at gmail dot com

Joanna said...

Thanks for this opportunity! I actually like both prizes--so either is good with me.

Christmastv at aol dot com

IdentitySeeker said...

Hi:) Thanks for the great giveaway!

I'm a GFC follower: Identity Seeker

I would like to enter for Prize Pack #2.

Juana said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

Prize Choice: # 1

GFC follower = Juana Esparza


Spav said...

I would like to enter for prize pack #1.


Erick said...

Thanks for the great giveaway!

I would like prize number 1 if I win.

Bookwyrm369 said...

Would love to be entered for the Amazon GC! Thanks for the giveaway :-)

smaccall AT

AEKZ2 said...

New GFC follower. Please enter me for prize #1. Thank you!

erin said...

very generous! Thanks! Enter me for prize #1 :)

Slytherpuff said...

Great giveaway! I'd love #1 if I win. Thanks!

pam262 at gmail

Michele said...

Thanks for the chance to win..either won is great to me

GFC Michele Luker

jmluker at winco dot net

Jess (The Cozy Reader) said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I <3 Amazon so I'd go with that. :)

thecozyreader @

Eileen said...

Number 1 please

eileen at

ewhatley said...

preference is prize 1, please

mybeachylife at gmail dot com

Laura said...

Thanks for a great giveaway!
Please enter me in both giveaways!

Booklover1335 said...

I'm new to your blog, and glad to have found you through blogfest. I would love to win the Amazon GC since I am more into romances, than I am in mysteries. Thanks for the giveaway!

booklover1335 at gmail dot com

Amanda said...

would like to win the Amazon card please! GFC Amanda M.
amercnchic (at) aol (dot) com

Laurie said...

great giveaway-I would prefer #1

Pixel Berry Pie Designs said...

Thanks for the chance to win! I'd actually like both prizes, but I guess first choice is the set of books.

SkyeWriter said...

Entering for the Amazon card. THANKS!!!!!
purplelilskye (at) yahoo (dot) com

Tamara said...

Now following your blog on GFC!! Thanks for the opportunity to win an Amazon gift card.


Margie said...

I would like prize #1. It would be wonderful to win.
I don't usually leave my email address in comments, but you can easily find it visible in my profile. Thank you!