Folks, we're heading into the last few days of 2011. Let's see where our challengers are and put out a last call for catching up. Look at the list below--if you've finished your challenge level and you're not on it, then shoot me an email at phryne1969 AT gmail DOT com with your list of books read so I can get you on the list and recognized. AND so I can hook you up with the prize list. Did you remember there were prizes? And, if you're on the list and I haven't hooked you up with a prize yet, be sure and email me about that too. Please give me your updates by January 3rd at the latest.
Including myself, there are 54 challengers who signed up and read at least one Vintage Mystery this year. And of those 54, twenty-six intrepid souls have completed their challenge level--and several like those mysteries so much they just kept on reading. Here are the winners so far...
Kerrie @ Mysteries in Paradise [Get a Clue]
Les @ Classic Mysteries [Take 'Em to Trial]
Becky @ Becky's Book Reviews [Golden Age Girls]
Yvette @ in so many words [Take 'Em to Trial]
Dorte @ DJ's Krimiblog [In a Murderous Mood]
Buffy @ Situations Where You May Need It [Take 'Em to Trial]
J. F. Norris @ Pretty Sinister Books [Take 'Em to Trial]
Ryan @ Wordsmithonia [Take 'Em to Trial]
Alison @ Piling on the Books [In a Murderous Mood]
Christina @ Christina Reads! [In a Murderous Mood]
Emma @ Scottish Girl in Zurich [Hot on the Trail]
Carol K Carr [Take 'Em to Trial]
Elena @ Roots of the Mountains [Take 'Em to Trial]
Rose City Reader [In a Murderous Mood]
Karyn @ A Penguin a Week [Hot on the Trail]
Jennifer [Taken 'Em to Trial]
Sherrie @ Just Books [In a Murderous Mood]
Cavershamragu @ Tipping My Fedora [Take 'Em to Trial]
Shirley @ My Bookshelf [In a Murderous Mood]
Gigi Ann @ My Reading Corner [In a Murderous Mood]
Connolly-Ahern @ Col Reads [Golden Age Girls]
neer @ hot cup of pleasure [In a Murderous Mood]
wuthering willow @ a paperback life [In a Murderous Mood]
Peggy @ Peggy Ann's Post [Capture the Criminal]
srivalli [Golden Age Girls]
Bev @ My Reader's Block (Host) [Take 'Em to Trial]
That's a grand total of 352 books among the winners (including books read over the challenge level)--with very few duplicates.
*New Winner 12/29/11
P Segal @ Femme Noir [Take 'Em to Trial] (16 more books--total of 368 books and 27 winners)
**New Winner 12/30/11
Karen @ How Mysterious [In a Murderous Mood] (4 more books--total of 372 books and 28 winners)
***New Winner 12/31/11
Landslide @ tantoslivrostaopoucotempo [In a Murderous Mood] (4 more books--total of 376 books and 29 winners)
****New Winner 1/1/12
JLS Hall @ A Little Reading (My Reading Challenges site) [In a Murderous Mood]
Jo @ Books to the Rescue [In a Murderous Mood]
(8 more books--total of 384 books and 31 winners)
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