Sunday, October 30, 2011

Mount TBR Reading Challenge

If you are a bookaholic like me, then you can't let a bookstore (used or new, it doesn't matter) go by without stopping in ("just to look") and walking out with at least something--if not an armload. I wait all year for the Red Cross Book Sale in October so I can cart them out by the bagful. And, well, that means that I wind up with gigantic piles of TBR books stacked up around my backroom. I don't have a TBR shelf. Oh, no. I have "Mount TBR"...possibly a whole mountain range.

With that in mind, and having read Susan Hill's Howards End Is on the Landing (where she spent a year just reading from her own shelves, I've decided to create my own TBR reading challenge and plan to concentrate on reading primarily from my own books this year. And you're invited to join me in knocking out some of those books that have been waiting in the wings for weeks....months...even years.

Challenge Levels

Pike's Peak: Read 12 books from your TBR pile/s
Mt. Vancouver: Read 25 books from your TBR pile/s
Mt. Ararat: Read 40 books from your TBR piles/s
Mt. Kilimanjaro: Read 50 books from your TBR pile/s
El Toro: Read 75 books from your TBR pile/s
Mt. Everest: Read 100+ books from your TBR pile/s

And the rules:
*Once you choose your challenge level, you are locked in for at least that many books. If you find that you're on a mountain-climbing roll and want to tackle a taller mountain, then you are certainly welcome to upgrade.

*Challenge runs from January 1 to December 31, 2012.

*You may sign up anytime from now until November 30th, 2012.

*Books must be owned by you prior to January 1, 2012. No ARCs (none), no library books. No rereads. [To clarify--based on a question raised--the intention is to reduce the stack of books that you have bought for yourself or received as presents {birthday, Christmas, "just because," etc.}. Audiobooks may count if they are yours and they are one of your primary sources of backlogged books.]

*Books may be used to count for other challenges as well.

*Feel free to submit your list in advance (as incentive to really get those books taken care of) or to tally them as you climb.

*A blog and reviews are not necessary to participate. If you have a blog, then please post a challenge sign up and link THAT post (not your home page) into the linky below. Non-bloggers, please leave a comment declaring your challenge level--OR, if you are a member of Goodreads, I have just put together a group for the challenge there. Feel free to sign up HERE.

A progress site for reviews will go up in January and I will post the link in my sidebar for easy access.

UPDATE: I had NO idea that there would be so many people out there with TBR mountains to tackle (and what mountains!). There is no possible way I could keep up with the reviews for almost 200 of you. Not that I'm upset with the number of challengers. Wow! I love it. But--the overwhelming support for this challenge has made me rethink the progress thing. SO, instead of a review posting, I plan on doing quarterly check-ins. Keep your eyes peeled in March, June and September for the Check-Point posts. Rumor has there may be Progress Prizes.

***Addendum (2/20/12): From a question...You may count any "currently reading" book that you began pre-January 1, provided that you had 50% or more of the book left to finish in 2012. I will trust you all on that.

Mount TBR Reading Challenge

1. Nithya Ravi  67. Pedantic Phooka Book Reviews  133. Julie @ Knitting and Sundries  
2. Tracee  68. Two Bibliomaniacs  134. Tammy Gillmore  
3. Sergio  69. Lisa  135. Lindsay @ Pages and Pages  
4. Bev@My Reader's Block  70. Gina @ Book Dragon's Lair  136. KathyB  
5. Gina ~ Hott Books  71. Shannon (Giraffe Days)  137. Wss4  
6. J F Norris  72. Rachel  138. JLS Hall @A Little Reading  
7. Pussreboots  73. Gloria Green  139. fakesteph  
8. Lianne@The Towering Pile  74. Meg @ A Bookish Affair  140. Topcho (Nina)  
9. Cheryl~CMash Loves To Read  75. Shara @ Calico Reaction  141. Robin McCormack  
10. Landslide@Tantos Livros Tão Pouco Tempo  76. Muse @muse_books  142. Yvann  
11. Debbie@Exurbanis  77. Publish Novels or Bust  143. xo.sorcha.ox  
12. Sherrie(Just Books)  78. Brandy  144. SharonW  
13. Stephanie @ Five Alarm Book Reviews  79. kellicat  145. thecoolmom@TheVeryLatestThing  
14. Tasha {Book Obsessed}  80. Iphigenie  146. Kai(Fiction State of Mind)  
15. Sarah Reads Too Much  81. Ang @ Easterns Sunset Reads  147. Richard LeComte  
16. Emma @ BelleBooks  82. birdgirl_1107 @ typecase  148. Jan  
17. Gigi Ann  83. Roxy @ Keeping Up With Roxy's Books  149. Abbi Hart (gatorade635)  
18. Penelope @ The Reading Fever  84. LB Clark  150. Kristine  
19. Colleen @ Les Livres  85. Joe  151. Southern Duchess  
20. Psique @ Book Travels  86. Kam  152. Lisa @ starmetal oak book blog  
21. Michelle @ In Libris Veritas  87. Adventurat  153. Martha @ Reviews by Martha's Bookshelf  
22. Sarah @ Sawcat's Book Blog  88. David Alexander McDonald  154. P2c2u  
23. Beverly @ The Wormhole  89. Jennifer @ Waiting on Sunday to Drown  155. Ler e Reflectir - Tchetcha  
24. Freda's Voice  90. Laurel-Rain @ Curl up and Read  156. Célia M.  
25. Heather (Between the Covers)  91. Elizabeth  157. kaida  
26. Bookish Hobbit  92. Sina @ Shelf Fulfilment  158. Maphead  
27. Elisabeth  93. Sarah@everybookhasasoul  159. Kristi @ Books and Needlepoint  
28. Diana @Little Miss Drama Queen  94. woodsiegirl  160. Richa  
29. Geoff @ The Oddness of Moving Things  95. Swapna @ S. Krishna's Books  161. Jules @ Jules' Book Reviews  
30. Michelle @ Books and Boston  96. Michael @ Littleelfman  162. Sara  
31. Amanda  97. Anita  163. Jen  
32. o (Délaissé)  98. Dana @ Much Madness is Divinest Sense  164. caitlin @ chaotic compendiums  
33. Bex (An Armchair By the Sea)  99. Carpediemblogger @ The Books of Life  165. Casi  
34. Blackwolf  100. Justice @ cheapblackpens  166. Pamela  
35. Jean @ Howling Frog Books  101. Susan @ Avid Series Reader  167. WhiteLady3  
36. LeedsBookClub  102. dogearedcopy  168. Laura  
37. Melanie @ Christian Bookshelf Reviews  103. Priscilla @ The Evening Reader  169. Elizabeth @ Bowl of Stew(art)  
38. Darlene @ Darlene's Book Nook  104. a hot cup of pleasure  170. emmegail's bookshelf  
39. michelle @ Much Loved Books  105. The Right Broad  171. Jenny @ Stone Soup Books  
40. Laura@The Scarlet Letter  106. Vasilly  172. Nancy O (theyearinbooks)  
41. kim in ohio  107. Dessa @ Book Bloggin  173. sandhya  
42. Christina (Babbling Book Reviews)  108. Kat  174. Laura  
43. Rachel Steiner (Rachel Reads)  109. VictoriaH  175. aloi  
44. Rikki's Teleidoscope  110. Rose City Reader  176. Charmaine  
45. Emma @ Lost in a YA book  111. Daisy Chain @ chocolate-covered Books  177. Nollaig  
46. Alisa  112. Jan  178. Melody (Melody and Words)  
47. Jenaissance  113. Sierra  179. Books, Crafts, & Life in General  
48. Orly @ Miscellania  114. CJ  180. Yvonne @ Socrates Book Review Blog  
49. Lisa  115. Shaunie @ The Space Between  181. Lelea  
50. Esther  116. Walking On Sunshine  182. Notes by Nectar  
51. Kelly @ Reading Kelly  117. Mysteries YA Fiction Scifi Fantasy... Oh My!  183. Laurie @ In Laurie's Mind  
52. Richard N. Wade II  118. Kat  184. Tea@Book Page  
53. Carole @ the life of fiction  119. Melissa (The Betty and Boo Chronicles)  185. Colleen@ Books in the City  
54. Charlotte@ Notes On A Novel  120. Tea@Book Page  186. TracyK  
55. Miranda  121. Lost In Kudzu  187. Deb(non-blogger)reading  
56. Megan @ Hardcover Feedback  122. Kate@MidnightBookGirl  188. Irene Palfy  
57. Melissa @ Confessions of an Avid Reader  123. Kathy @ Ms. Martin Teaches Media  189. Lara Emilie @ Powers of words  
58. Lisa (When She Reads)  124. Sue  190. Les Livres - The Hunger Games  
59. Kat @ No Page Left Behind  125. Kathy @ Inside of a Dog  191. Danielle & enchantedbybooks  
60. Jessie  126. TFrances @ Wading Through  192. sandhya  
61. Shane Marie  127. Caitlin  193. Kari @ Ramblings of a Reader  
62. Christine  128. Courtney  194. sandra  
63. Andie @ The World Behind A Shelf  129. Kim  195. D.L. Stephenson  
64. Susan@ Reading World  130. Lisa N.  196. Kate @ booksaremyfavouriteandbest  
65. Angie (Angels are Kids and Furkids)  131. Kathleen @ Kapachino  
66. Debra's Book Cafe  132. Becky  

(Linkup closed)

Oh and in case you're wondering how I decided on the mountains....I just went with those I recognized and built up to Mt. Everest. My apologies if I missed using your favorite mountain.


Sergio (Tipping My Fedora) said...

Hi Bev, you've hooked me!

Pass me the pitons and I shall attempt to scale Mount Vancouver and maybe make my way to Mount Ararat - list of titles to appear in due course ...

neer said...

Hi Bev

Interesting challenge to get those books off the shelves (or mountain ranges) but are there no prizes for scaling those peaks?

CMash said...

Will be signing up shortly but had to stop by and give a BIG LMAO..waving...waving. Just practicing for 2012 since I wasn't around much due to real life.

Bev Hankins said...

@ Sergio: welcome to the mountain-climbing expedition!

@neer...I'll have to think on it. Most of my available prizes are tied up for the Vintage Challenge (and the Color-Coded Challenge that finishes this year). But I may be able to come up with something.

neer said...

Bev don't think too much about it. I wondered because till date all the challenges you have hosted have had that delicious cherry of a prize at the top.

Perhaps clearing off the shelves is prize enough. :)

Unknown said...

I'm joining for the Mt Vancouver level but am secretly hoping to conquer Mt Ararat. Wish me luck!!

J F Norris said...

I've always wanted to go to Turkey. I'm signing up for scaling Mount Ararat. I'm sure I can polish off two boxes of books that in part make up my TBR range. And I'll move on from there when I'm done.

CMash said...

I'm in for Pike's Peak, however, I will not be waving since I am terrified of heights lol. My fingers will be gripping at that mountain side as tight as I can lol.

Landslide said...

Great idea Bev, thanks for hosting!

I'm in for Pike's Peak too, and I'm also afraid of heights :)

But I don't see it so much as climbing the mountain but as dimininshing the mountain of TBR books!

Stephanie @ Read In a Single Sitting said...

I'm not sure there's a mountain tall enough to clear my TBR... perhaps I can scale Everest a couple of times?

Bev Hankins said...

@Stephanie: Feel free to scale Mt. Everest as many times as you can in a single year. We'll all watch and be suitably impressed! :-)

Given the number of books I plan on finishing this year (over 200), I probably could climb Everest twice...but I want to leave room for library finds, books that other bloggers mention and I can't resist, etc.

Sarah Reads Too Much said...

I am absolutely going to sign up for this - I'm just not quite ready to make my post yet. And, I may make just one more trip to the used bookstore before Jan 1st!

Gigi Ann said...

I just signed up today, and posted the challenge. I think I will like this challenge, because of my mounting pile of TBR.

Anonymous said...

I think I'll try to go for Kilimanjaro and then go from there. I hope I can make it! Maybe I won't have too much to read for classes next term, and I can upgrade...

Fingers crossed and best of luck to everyone else participating!

Darlene said...

I have a huge TBR pile! I would like to join as well, but I have a couple of questions:

1. You said "No ARCs." I do have ARCs in my possession that I probably won't get to this year. Can these count for this challenge?

2. Do audiobooks count?

Anonymous said...

Just signed up!
I'm only going for Pike's Peak right now, but I may upgrade later.

Can't wait to start

fredamans said...

Looks like a fun challenge!

Bev Hankins said...


No ARCs. The intention is to reduce the piles of books that you have either bought for yourself or have received as presents (I'm thinking Christmas, birthdays, etc) from others.

I'm willing to count audio books if that is one of the primary ways that you acquire your backlog of books.

Elisabeth said...

I am going for Pikes Peak! I don't like failure or pressure, this seems very manageable, if I read more that's GREAT but if I read the 12 then I will have succeeded too. A win win!

Bev Hankins said...

Welcome, Elisabeth! I tried to follow your link (above) but it didn't work. Will try again later.

Anonymous said...

I will participate at the Mt. Vancouver challenge - could easily move up the ranges, but we'll start at 25.

Jessica L. Tate said...

This challenge sounds great! I'm going to bookmark the link so I can sign up later (a little busy with NaNoWriMo at the moment). I can't wait. :) Thanks for hosting!

o said...

Great challenge! I'm signing up for Mt. Ararat :)

Jean said...

OK, this is one I really need to do. I'll start with Pike's Peak. (I don't think I *have* more than 50 or so TBRs to be honest...I don't buy a lot of books, I get them from the library.)

Darlene said...

Thanks for answering my question about the audiobooks, Bev! I'm now signed up for the challenge!

Reading Kelly said...

I'm in! My TBR book case is forever growing and I would love to move them to my Read shelf. I am going to attempt Mt. Vancouver and possibly go up from there.

kim in ohio said...

I am in for the El Toro level. thanks for doing this challenge. kim in ohio

Rachel Steiner said...

Lookin forward to it!!

Rikki said...

Count me in on the lowest level (I know my limits). This is going to be fun!

Melissa said...

I'm absolutely in for this. Definitely. Mt. Vancouver is going to be my official level, but with aspirations to go higher. Thanks for organizing this ... I need this challenge in the worst way.

bibliophiliac said...

This is the best challenge ever! I'm signing up for Mt. Vancouver, but secretly hoping to scale Mt. Ararat...

Things To Do said...

Can't wait to start this one! Thanks and look forward to sharing!

Melissa @ Confessions of an Avid Reader said...

I definitely need this challenge - my TBR pile is the size of Mt. Kilimanjaro (which is the level I'll attempt to achieve).

Thanks for hosting.

Susan (Reading World) said...

This is a great idea. I need something to make me plow through those books I keep buying and stacking away on my shelf!

Two Bibliomaniacs said...

Excited to start the challenge! I just posted my picks....

Thanks for hosting!

Bev Hankins said...

Lisa: I've tried to leave a comment welcoming you to the challenge, but something's not working right (not on my laptop nor on the desk top). Will try again tomorrow from my work computer....

The Cozy Mystery Journal said...

I'm definitely going to have to join this challenge too. I think I'm going to aim for Mt Vancouver.

Anonymous said...

Have lots of books to tackle from my TBR piles, so I'm going to start with the Mt. Vancouver level of 25 books. Looking forward to it!....

Meg @ A Bookish Affair said...

I'm aiming for Mt. Kilimanjaro!

Anonymous said...

I'll go for Pike's Peak.

Muse said...

This is such a great challenge. I may even pop in Susan Hill's 'Howards End is on the Lnading' as I have it somewhere on the TBR mountain. Good one to start with on 1st Janury!

I'd love to go for Mount Everest but will start off with Mt. Kilimanjaro and see if I can go higher.

Thank you for organising this.

Anonymous said...

I will go for Vancouver, and possibly Ararat.

Nicole said...

I would love to join. However, I don't have an actual pile to read through. I only have my list. Nevertheless, I gave your blog a shoutout because I liked the idea so much (and I'm applying it to myself in my own way).

birdgirl_1107 said...

This is exactly what I need. List posted before I lose my nerve. ;)

adventurat said...

Ooh, good idea! I always set reading goals for numbers of books per year, but I don't always focus on the TBR pile. I'm up for Mount Vancouver, mostly because I live in Vancouver. And there are at least 25 books in the TBR that have been languishing for at least a year.

Kam said...

What a great challenge! Count me in!

David Alexander McDonald said...

I'm in, list made, selections bagged and waiting for January 1st...! I've included some audiobooks, as they are a large part of my backlog (I tend to acquire cassettes on the cheap from book sales; it's a habit I got into when I lost my sight for a while.)

While I have the fond hope that this will at least limit the growth of the stacks a little, it won't be by much as, sigh, I'm off to a book sale tomorrow, and as it's a bag day....

Bev Hankins said...

@David: Yes, book sales are so very hard to resist, aren't they?

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

I did a similar challenge in 2011, and while I whittled those stacks down quite a bit, I have more work to do.

I'm eager to begin!

Anonymous said...

I'm in for Pike's!!

Michael Earp said...

This is a great Idea! I'd given myself this challenge anyway, so there's no harm in being beholden to it!

I'll start with Mt. Ararat cause I have so much 'new' stuff that I need to read for work each month, everything else tends to take a back seat. But I'll do my best!!


Unknown said...

It's past November 30th, but I'm adding myself to this challenge, I have plenty of books to read, but I'm only comitting to 12 books, or Pike's Peak, which is a lovely mountain I've actually visited!!

Bev Hankins said...

@Anita: You're absolutely welcome to join!--the deadline is actually Nov 30th of NEXT year.

Anonymous said...

I am goin to jump in and do this - I am going to commit to 12, but we will see how we go :)

Haven't done my blog post yet - will come back and sign up on Mr Linky when i have set it up :)

Gilion at Rose City Reader said...

I'm in for Mt. Kilimanjaro, although I may adjust when I do my official post. I have to assess how many of the books I read this year came from my TBR shelves. All except audiobooks I got from the library and a couple I bought for Book Club, but I listen to a lot of audiobooks . . .

Susan said...

This challenge fits perfectly with the personal goal I had already set to finally read 12 of my Alaska/Iditarod book collection.

dog eared copy said...

I've posted on my blog a "Letter of Intent" for twelve of the oldest books in my TBR stacks and linked above; but for some reason a red "x" appears next to my name. I'm not sure what that means in this case, but just in case:

dog eared copy

Bev Hankins said...

@dog eared copy: I think the red "x" means that you can delete the link if you need to (if you accidentally linked up the wrong post, etc).

neer said...

Hi Bev

I am in.

Julia said...

I'm signing up for Pike's Peak. I figure it allows me a fudge factor for my usual reading habits as well.

Do ebooks count if you already own them? I'm leaving out the manga/GNs just because I'd blow through them so easily it'd inflate my list.

Vasilly said...

This sounds like a challenge that I desperately needs! Thanks for hosting this.

Angie said...

This is a challenge that makes me feel productive too. :) I have SO many books back piled to read I could climb Mt. Everest many many times. However, I want to be realistic. LOL. So I am picking to climb Mt. Vancouver first. I want to challenge myself, but also make it somewhat attainable so I don't feel pressure trying to do it. I figure if I make the climb then I can climb higher to the next mountain. :) Some months I read 4, 5, or more books, but then other months struggle to read 1. So I think 25 is a good goal for me.

Gilion at Rose City Reader said...

OK. I am officially in. My plan is to read only TBR books for the challenges I signed up for, so I should make some progress. Mt. Kilimanjaro, here I come!

Jan said...

I'll !sign up for Mt kilimajaro

Angie said...

It is already on my yearly list to read TBR books. This is a perfect way to help motivate me. I have trouble staying away from the library. I will be climbing pikes peak

Tea said...

I luv the mountain idea for the reading challenge. I really need to read books I own. So excited.

alberta ross said...

Will have a go at the lower levels - can always upgrade but am in other challenges so although a couple might overlap I do have a book to write this year!! will post a list soon and link back -so entering at Pike's Peak

Kate @Midnight Book Girl said...

Finally a TBR challenge that fits me! Thanks for hosting, looking forward to making a molehill out of my mountain of TBR books!

Sue said...

I'm signing up for Pike's Peak, but hoping to climb higher. Thanks for hosting-this is a great challenge.bu

Caitlin @ Naughts Cross Stitches said...

ooo I've just found this. I'll sign up for the smallest peak and climb my way up!

Kim said...

I have signed up for Pike's Peak, but will probably climb higher! Thanks for hosting--can't wait to get started.

Anne Sans Tete said...

I'm in for Pike's Peak!

Topcho said...

Hi! I've just found this challenge, and I definitely want to join! I'll be climbing Pike's Peak though. XD Beacuse I don't trust myself to be strong enough not to buy and read new stuff; and because I don't trust my teachers to be nice enough to give some spare time to read XDCan't wait to get started (good thing I can start tomorrow!) But may I ask what ARC stands for? Just to be sure I won't mess things up :/

Wendy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Wendy said...

Would love to join. I am a whimp though and will only attempt Mt. Vancouver for the time being. I had a horrible year for reading in 2011 and don't want to tackle more than I can handle. I hope that as the year passes I can change increase my level. Looking forward to this challenge as an incentive to attempt to eliminate at least a little of Mt. TBR.

Carol N Wong said...

I am going to suck in my breath and aim for Mount Kimanjaro! I am afraid of heights too! But when facing fears, maybe it is best to dive in!


xo.sorcha.ox said...

What a great idea! I have exactly 12 books on my shelf that I need to read (and intend to do so this year) so I'll be aiming for Pike's Peak. :)

Monica said...

Excellent challenge idea. I'm headed up Mt. Vancouver for 25 TBR's. Thanks for hosting!

SharonW said...

Me too, me too! I need to make it up Mt. Vancouver at least - there are TOO MANY BOOKS in this house, and of course I can't get rid of them without reading them first.

thecoolmom said...

I'm signing up for Pike's Peak, but I could easily qualify for Mt. Everest. I'm doing a bunch of other challenges, so I'll have to see what I can actually get done.

Kristine said...

Norway calling. What a great challenge! Just one question: Can I count in those books I once started, but never finished, either because I started reading something else or just wasn't able to dig into the book. (one chapter read, half the book read etc?) Kristine

Bev Hankins said...

Kristine: Absolutely! As long as it's not a complete re-read--go for it. It's always nice to clear off books that you haven't yet managed to fact, I've got a place on the blog for those. I call it my Victory Garden (idea from another blogger)--it's a place to "plant" those books I've tried to read, just couldn't finish, and have now conquered.

Kristine said...

That's perfect! I'll make my TBR Challenge post today, and add it to the linky. Have a nice day. :-)

Aastha said...

I'm headed to Mount Vancouver with only Chunksters (450 pages or more) on my back! Phew!

Anonymous said...

This is just the challenge for me! Will try to Mt Vancouver this year!

kaida said...

I like this challenge, since I hit the thrift stores to haunt the book shelves there and life would not be complete if I didn't browse the stacks at Barnes and Noble every few weeks!I will read the ones I have already have stacked on my bookshelf for this challenge.I also have a back log of kindle books and audio books that I enjoy listening to during my commute so for me they are included.

Anonymous said...

Put me down for Mt. Vancouver but I'm hoping to make it all the way to Mt. Ararat...and maybe beyond !
Any challenge that makes me read what's already in my personal library is OK by me !

L. D. Nash said...

I'm aiming for Mt. Vancouver, but will probably pass it up for higher ground. We shall see.

Great idea, btw and can't wait to get to reading.

I listed my blog link, but here is is again


VRedd said...

My boyfriend likes this challenge for me!:P I'm going for Ararat *fingers crossed* i only have my personal online journal, so i'm not counting that:P (PS here via Inverarit by way of bookish @lj)

Jen said...

I needed this challenge to motivate me!!! I just keep buying and they keep piling!

Angie said...

Is there a progress button for this challenge yet? I see some for the other 2 challenges, but not this one. Just wondering if I am looking over it. LOL. :)

Casi said...

Yay! Something interesting and helpful at the same time!

I'm starting with Pike's Peak, and then we'll see.

Bev Hankins said...

@Angie: No, you're not overlooking it. I think with as many participants as I've got that tracking the reviews might be a bit overwhelming. I'm considering doing a quarterly check-in post to see where everybody's at...maybe with a surprise prize.

LWSpotts said...

I read Susan Hill's book last year, and decided to embark on this challenge for myself. How ironic that, as I'm revamping my book blog & reading challenges for this year that I run across the exact idea, based on the exact book! I have signed up, and will tweak my start date to line up with your challenge. I'm stoked!

NancyO said...

My husband Larry will be so happy that I'm joining this challenge. Maybe by reading 100+ books that I already have, I can a) not buy as many over the year and b) actually create space in every room where my books live.

Obviously at 100+ I'm all about the Everest level. Thanks!!

sandhya said...

Hi! Came over from 'A Novel Challenge'. I have Mt Everest at home, and was looking for just such a challenge.

I'll be playing safe at the beginning, though, and signing up for Pike's Peak. Hope to upgrade later in the year!

Charmaigne Beverly Ekaterina said...

Hello! This is a fantastic idea of yours! I just had to sign up when I saw your reading challenge posted on someone else's blog. :-) Good luck with your reading challenge! I, too, have so many books on my bookshelf that I need to read!

Tea said...

How long does a book have to be on our TBR pile? I just received Huck about three weeks ago. Would it count? Is it too new?

Bev Hankins said...

@Tea: As long as you owned it before January 1, 2012, then it may count.

Carolyn in VA said...

I *love* this idea!

Just for kicks, I counted up the books on my bedroom bookshelves that are on my Mount TBR, and hit 63! (That's not even counting the books that I've got stacked up on other bookshelves in the house, sheesh!) So clearly, I need to sign up for this challenge. Please put me down for Vancouver!

I'm not much of a blogger though, but I'm on GoodReads all the time. Would you possibly set this up as a group on GR? That would be so great, then we can see info on people's books and their reviews as well. Anyways, just an idea, because I know this would really catch on over at GR as well!

Bev Hankins said...

@Carolyn in VA: I'll look into it this weekend and see what I can do.

Irene Palfy said...

Hey- just noticed that I hadn't enlisted yet.. I did now - with my progress post. Have a wonderful year of reading Bev! ;")

laraemilie said...


That's a great idea, I've got so many books to read!
So i'm signing it (a bit late but never mind) for the Mt. Vancouver level.

Just a question: does it matter if some of my reviews are in French?


Bev Hankins said...

@laraemilie: No, it doesn't matter if your reviews are in French. I wish I remembered more of my French so I will understand them better. :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Bev,

I have enjoyed this reading challenge. I love your blog so much. It's one of my favorites. So I've always wanted to finish one of your challenges. For this one I chose Pike's Peak. You wanted us to read 12 books for that one. Here is my link. I hope everything is the way you would want it.

If I've missed doing somethind or have done something wrong, here is my email addy.


Thanks for being such a good sport and making the challenge so much fun.

Han said...

I'd join but about 30%-50% of my books have been newly purchased since January or are ARCs

Might have to join in if you do it in 2013 :)

Lija Broka said...

I think it is a little unfair that library books are not permitted. I think in total between mum (who is a slow reader), my sister (who doesn't even live here) and me ... we have over a 100 books in our house from the library! And some of them have been stacking up shelves since way before January - unread.
Anyhow, good luck to everyone on the challenge!

Bev Hankins said...

@Lija: There are usually challenges out there that are specifically for Library books. I've entered those before. However, the whole point of this challenge is for those who have piles of books that we own that we need to actually read. I'm sorry this doesn't meet your reading needs, but it's not meant to be a read-whatever-you-want challenge. If you want a library book challenge, then you could search for one OR if for some reason none of the Library Challenges are being offered, then you could make your own challenge.

Anonymous said...

I wanted to ask: I'm increasing my goal for the year since I've already completed my initial goal. Where do I go to do that?

Thanks for your help!

Bev Hankins said...

@calicoreaction: I don't really have a place for listing your upgrades. Feel free to just put an addendum on your initial challenge post to tell about your upgrade. And--when I put out a call for the third quarter checkpoint, you can make a point to let us all know that you've upgraded to a bigger mountain. Good luck with the increased goal!

Nicole said...

If you do this again in 2013, I'm in.

Joyful Reader said...

I hope you do this again next year! I am always finding these great challenges too late!

Darlene said...

Woo hoo! I just climbed Mt. Vancouver!! I had signed up for Pike's Pike, but I've just kept climbing :)

Cazzy said...

This is an AMAZING idea! I'm so sad I've only just found it! Will you be running this challenge next year as well? I would love to get on board as I do literally have a mountain of books to be read before I buy more that will just get neglected at the bottom of the pile!

pussreboots said...

I've made it to the top, having just posted my 100th review.

alberta ross said...

I made it to Mount Pike top - then began climbing some more but didn't reach the next peak - just 21 of TBR pile mainlu because I kept getting suckered in to new reads -book club reads (which I had read before) and illness - will try for higher peak in 2013:)