Hosted by Reading Between the Pages
A brand-new meme brought to my attention by Freda's Voice.
* A theme will be posted each week (on Thursdays)
* Select a conversation/snippet/sentence from the current book you are reading
* Post it and don’t forget to mention the author and the title of the book
* Since we may take a few days to finish a book, this event is open for one whole week
This week's theme, appropriately, is LOVE.
Here's my snippet from Something New by P. G. Wodehouse (p 85-6):
In every man's life there is generally one moment to which in later years he can look back and say, "In this moment I fell in love." Such a moment came to Ashe now....In the almost incredibly brief time which it took the small but sturdy porter to roll a milk-can across the platform and bump it with a clang against other milk-cans similarly treated a moment before, Ashe fell in love.

beautiful! I never heard of this book but I think I'm going to search for it on amazon haha
Milk cans and Love... Hmm, an interesting combination. Good Theme Thursday Post you have here Bev.
Thanks for participating
I haven't read P G W for years - it's probably time I did. Wonderful quote.
Nice! I too have not heard of this author, but the snippet is great!
Wonderful snippet!
Aww, that's so sweet! I wonder if it's really true :)
Mine is from Delirium:
I've still got your review for this one up in a tab, awaiting a vacancy in my library holds account. :) And can I just say that I hope for another moment like that in my life again someday?
Here's mine:
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