Hosted by Reading Between the Pages
* A theme will be posted each week (on Thursdays)
* Select a conversation/snippet/sentence from the current book you are reading
* Post it and don’t forget to mention the author and the title of the book
* Since we may take a few days to finish a book, this event is open for one whole week
This week's theme is TOUCH. Here's mine from You Can Die Laughing by A. A. Fair (aka Erle Stanley Gardner) [p. 30]:
Corning started to say something, checked himself, threw me to one side over against Bertha's desk, twisted the knob, yanked the door open and stalked out of the office.

What a character Corning is!
Heehee.. he must be really powerful to throw someone like that.
I love the title of this book!!! Great "touch" tidbit! Thanks for visiting My Bookshelf. I look forward to a review of You Can Die Laughing!
Oh that is funny. What a way to get touched.
Very cool teaser! Congrats on winning last week!
Well that's touching too of course haha. Not the way I liked to be touch to be honest. Thank you for stopping by my blog!
I think I'd only make him mad once!
What fun reading all the different interpretations. Sounds like someone is having a hissy fit in yours.
That's a great snippet!
I'm glad it wasn't me he was throwing!
Here's mine:
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