As promised, I have just used the Custom Random Number Generator to determine the lucky winner of Carol K Carr's India Black: A Madam of Espionage Mystery. The CRNG made lots of weird beeping noises and lights flashed all over my computer and it finally spit out.....drum roll please....#1. Which means our winner is Birdie from Birdie's Nest who was first in the comments with:
Yes, Birdie, it's "You! You! You!" I will be shooting an email your way ASAP.
Miss Birdie will have 72 hours to reply before I warm up the CRNG for another choice.
Congratulations, Birdie!
*****Update: Birdie has officially contacted me to claim her prize. Once again, congratulations to Birdie. And thank you all for signing up. As I approach 250 followers, I foresee a Follower Appreciation Give Away in the future. Stay tuned!*****
Congrats Birdie, it's a great read!
Bev, I just finished And Then There Were None, so you wouldn't have had to treat me either I had the wrong person :-) My review will be up later or tomorrow.
Ah, nuts, now I'll have to buy a copy. Congrats to Birdie AND Carol - for one additional book sold.
Despite lack of my own computer at the moment, I can usually manage to keep up with the important stuff. :)
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!
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