It's (almost) Friday and time again for the Follow Friday 40 & Over blog hop. Sponsored by Never Growing Old, this blog hop asks: Are you a blogger over 40? Yeah, welcome to the club! Please join in the fun and get to know your fellow bloggers!!
The RULES to join in are very simple:
*Grab the button
*Add your link to the list on the blog site
*Visit as many blogs as you can
*Follow the ones you like (and comment to let them know you're following)
Hopping by and hoping you have a good weekend
Hi. I am over 40 hopping and hoping to be over 400 on the CSN Bathroom Voting Contest.
Ask someone to Vote and Validate the email, please. It only takes a few seconds and doesn't cost anything to help. It's for a much needed bathroom repair/makeover.
Laura H from WY http://bit.ly/gZ676u
I’m a new follower from “Follow Friday 40 and Older”, I'm an avid reader, your site looks amazing and I’ll definitely be checking back often!! If you’re not already a follower I would love it if you followed me back!!
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