Read My Review, Hosted by A Trillian Books is a chance for book bloggers to share new and old reviews--all related to a theme.
What to do:
*Find one of your reviews that fits this week's theme (you can be as creative as you like when choosing what fits). It can be new or old, good or bad.
*Create a post on your blog explaining your book choice and leaving a link to your review there.
*Leave your link with Mr. Linky at the bottom of her post.
*Visit some of the other reviews and leave a "quality" comment (at least a couple of sentences).
*Grab the button and let people know about Read My Review.
Unfortunately, I'm one of those bloggers who reads primarily British authors with a bit of American thrown in and very little else. I know I should widen my horizons..... But, searching through the reviews I have done, I found Literary Murder by Batya Gur! Hurray! Batya Gur was an Israeli writer and the work that I'm familiar with is her mystery series starring police detective Michael Ohayon: an educated, pensive, and intellectual detective. I talked about her book over the course of two blog posts--please forgive me...at the time I was a brand-new blogger, so I didn't know what I was doing and the posts may be a little rough. The book was very good, though! Click on the book title for the first post and her name for the second.
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