Meet Me on Monday is a blogging meme hosted by Java at Never Growing Old. As she says: "Blogging is a funny thing...we tell our most intimate thoughts for all to read and yet most of the time I find myself wondering, "who is this person?" I know them...but yet I don't know them! I want to know who the person behind all those words is so I thought of a great way for all of us to "meet" each other!"
1. Did you watch the Superbowl? No. Haven't watched one in years. Spent my time doing one of my favorite things...reading. Of course, it's not that warm or nice now. And I'm not nearly that young....

2. What is the last book that you read? All Booked Up by Terrie Curran. Cozy mystery at a library with a couple of professors as amateur detectives. Click title for a review if it sounds interesting.

3. What is your favorite kind of cake? Chocolate or cheesecake. Mmmm...cheesecake sounds really good right now. Even better...how about white chocolate cheesecake. Oh yeah!

4. Do you snore? Sometimes. According to the hubby. But so does he.

5. Do you play an instrument? Not really play. I used to know enough to bang out songs one note at a time on a piano. Probably couldn't even do that now.

Every Sunday she will post five get to know you questions that we can copy and paste into our own Monday post and we can all learn a little more about each and every one of us. To play along click on her meme name and join up with the linky.
This Week's Questions:1. Did you watch the Superbowl? No. Haven't watched one in years. Spent my time doing one of my favorite things...reading. Of course, it's not that warm or nice now. And I'm not nearly that young....

2. What is the last book that you read? All Booked Up by Terrie Curran. Cozy mystery at a library with a couple of professors as amateur detectives. Click title for a review if it sounds interesting.

3. What is your favorite kind of cake? Chocolate or cheesecake. Mmmm...cheesecake sounds really good right now. Even better...how about white chocolate cheesecake. Oh yeah!

4. Do you snore? Sometimes. According to the hubby. But so does he.

5. Do you play an instrument? Not really play. I used to know enough to bang out songs one note at a time on a piano. Probably couldn't even do that now.

Just hopping by via MMOM. That cheesecake looks amazing, could eat a piece right now even if it is 4am!
If you have time please pop by and Hi.
Helen x
Hi Just stopping by from the blog hop. That cake looks delicious. I think one of those after tonight's dinner would be fantastic!
Have a great week!
Cheesecake is actually too rich for me. I prefer the regular kind. We're glad Green Bay won. We only watched the first half though.
Stopping by from MMOM.
I'm finding it amusing that so many of us have husbands who claim we snore--but it's nothing compared to them!
We have a few more things in common. I also spoke of you in my Musing Monday answer. See if you can pick yourself out lol.
I love that cake image.. Looks delicious! :") And the picture of you reading is just great - I always think that when I find I comment by you or when I am visiting your blog.. - it's simple summer happines.. :") Have a great week!!
Ohhh...that cheesecake looks fantastic :D As for the Super Bowl, it was exciting but disappointing for me (poor Steelers). Have a great reading week :)
I played, too! :D Sorry I'm late. :( Been a crazy week.
Rebecca at http://freakyfrugalite.com
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