What Red Read posted a January wrap-up post with these statistics. I was intrigued (and love tracking things like this) and decided that I just had to do it too--adding a couple of stats. Here's what my reading for the month of January looks like:
Total Books Read: 20
Total Pages: 4120
Percentage by Female Authors: 55%
Percentage by US Authors: 50% (not bad when you consider I'm a Brit Lit girl)
Percentage Fiction: 80%
Percentage written 2000+: 10%
Percentage of Rereads: 5%
Percentage Read for Challenges: 100%
Number of Challenges fulfilled so far: Zero (hoping to change that this weekend!)
Interesting. 20 books, I'm seriously impressed. I think I've only read about 10, unless you count student papers...LOL.
I love the picture, too!
That picture made me smile...or maybe it was through tears of knowing as I looked outside & saw all that darn snow :D Congrats on a superb month of reading!
Great month! Happy February Reading!
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