Hosted by Reading Between the Pages
- A theme will be posted each week (on Thursday’s)
- Select a conversation/snippet/sentence from the current book you are reading
- Mention the author and the title of the book along with your post
- It is important that the theme is conveyed in the sentence (you don’t necessarily need to have the word)
And this week's theme is Mom, Grandmother, Aunt, Teacher (an elder woman who deserves respect).
Here is my selection from A First Class Murder by Elliott Roosevelt (p. 3):
The First Lady--Tommy reflected--might pretend reluctance to return to the States on the world's most luxurious passenger liner, but if Tommy knew her friend and employer, Mrs. Roosevelt was every bit as pleased and thrilled as she was.
This book sounds intriguing...thanks for sharing your snippet...and for visiting my blog.
I have a few of these mysteries. Read one and really liked it. Good sentence picks.
This books sounds like something I'd like. Great snippet for this week.
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