Hosted by Reading Between the Pages
- A theme will be posted each week (on Thursday’s)
- Select a conversation/snippet/sentence from the current book you are reading
- Mention the author and the title of the book along with your post
- It is important that the theme is conveyed in the sentence (you don’t necessarily need to have the word)
And this week's theme is Friend (buddy, confidant, comrade, etc.).
Here is my selection from The Inn at Lake Devine by Elinor Lipman (p. 11):
That's how it was on Irving Circle and how I was raised: You made the best out of what was within reach, which meant friendships engineered by parents and by the happenstance of housing. I stayed with it because we both had queenly older sisters who rarely condescended to play with us, because Shelley was adopted and I was not, because Shelley had Clue and Life, and I did not.
AND (p. 56):
The night his letter arrived, my parents asked at dinner--a dinner at which I had picked the canned gray button mushrooms out of my mother's pot roast--what it was that was making me and Mr. Berry such fast friends.
Oh, I like the snippets...I haven't read this one, but I've enjoyed some other books by Elinor Lipman. Thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog.
I haven't read this one, but they are great snippets!
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