How exactly does one forget one's own special days? But...I managed to miss my blogiversay day last year (we'll go with the excuse that I had surgery coming up and it got lost in the shuffle then) and now I've gone and done it again.

April 24th is the magic day. That's when I stuck my tentative toe into the book blogging waters and wound up swimming in the deep end. No clue what I was doing--but, boy, was I having fun. And, it's all thanks to my good friend Richard. If he hadn't mentioned that he had a blog and that I might want to check out his daughter's as well, I don't think I'd ever have ventured into the blogosphere. And just think what I would have missed. All you fun people. All my best blogging buddies. And Reading Challenges....what would I do without Reading Challenges? It's been a great two years and I want to thank all of you who follow--whether you comment or not, whether you stop by every day or just once in a while. I appreciate all my followers and look forward to another year of blogging with you.
Happy Blogiversary :)
Happy Blogiversary!
Doll, I forget mine every year. Trust me - it's because we're so crazy busy with the present and the future we don't have tons of time to reflect.
We can do that when we're old ;)
Yay, you posted! Happy (belated) Blogging Anniversary! Noise makers and streamers and confetti!
Happy belated Blogoversary!
(I missed mine last year too, but made it a point to not forget this summer.)
And as we say back home, Buon Blogoversary (in Italy we think words in English are automatically more interesting so usually stick them in the middle of an Italian phrase ...).
Well done!
Merry Belated Blogoversary to ya!
Happy Blogoversary!
Happy Blogoversary. Here's to many more years of fun.
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