Hosted by Reading Between the Pages
* A theme will be posted each week (on Thursdays)
* Select a conversation/snippet/sentence from the current book you are reading
* Post it and don’t forget to mention the author and the title of the book
* Since we may take a few days to finish a book, this event is open for one whole week
This week's theme is VEHICLE and here is mine from Shroud of Darkness by E. C. R. Lorac:
"Where are we now?" asked Sarah. She had been asleep awhile, lost in one of those uneasy dozes through which the sound and movement of the train had penetrated and become muddled up with her dreams.
Bev, I was more curious about your comment this time around :) "It’s all about an attempted murder related to a train journey." I had to know which book you are talking about.
Great snippet for this week's theme.. then again, I do think you have the skill of finding the perfect one for the theme every week,
Excellent "Theme Thursday" quote! Thank you for stopping by My Bookshelf!
Very cool snippet.
Yours is the first train snippet I've come across.
My theme post is Here
What a great variety of vehicles we're getting!
Great choice for the week.
I love riding the train.
Here's mine:
What a perfect choice, here is mine:
I want to take a train ride!
Must be hard to fall asleep with the train sounding so loud. Nice pick this week =)
Great snippet!
I've only taken a train once, and I was wide awake throughout the whole journey. But I imagine that it would be very dreamy to fall asleep in one! =)
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