Thursday, March 10, 2011

Booking Through Thursday: Mutli-tasking

This week Booking Through Thursday wants to know:

Do you multi-task when you read? Do other things like stirring things on the stove, brushing your teeth, watching television, knitting, walking, et cetera?

Or is it just me, and you sit and do nothing but focus on what you’re reading?

(Or, if you do both, why, when, and which do you prefer?)

I do both. Because I'm all about reading whenever I can as much as I can. Of course, I'd rather just sit down in a nice comfy chair and allow myself to become absorbed in what I'm reading. But, if I can manage read while doing something else I have to do, I'm all about doing it. Hold a book and stir the macaroni? Can do. Hold a book and brush my teeth? You betcha. I used to read a book and walk to school (back in grade/high school). Once I had the route problem.


adriana said...

New follower here....

At first I didn't think that I multi-tasked when I read, but then when I really thought about it I guess I do. I eat and read. I also mute the commercials and read while watching TV. I drive to work and listen to a book too. So yes, I definitely multi-task and read.

jlshall said...

I can multi-task if I have to, but I really don't like to do it. I think I'm just more efficient if I can concentrate on one thing at a time. Also, I'm such a klutz, if I tried reading while stirring the macaroni, the book would most likely end up in the pot with the pasta!

Anonymous said...

I do very little multi tasking while reading.

Here's my Booking Through Thursday

Sally said...

I am super impressed with all the people who can read and walk at the same time. I've got the clumsy gene and am a danger to myself and others if I try it.

Teacher/Learner said...

I used to walk outside & read at the same time, too. *High five* :D

Anonymous said...

Comfortably and quitly is nice, but to get any rading done at all I need to multitask too. There's also things that I have to do, like brushing my teeth, that I would've found unbelievably tedious if I couldn't read at the same time: