This is the place for your Color Coded Reviews and Wrap-up Posts. If you would still like to sign up, then please do so HERE. Reviews and Wrap-up posts for the challenge will be accepted through January 6, 2013 .In each case the url you enter should be a direct link to your review or wrap-up post. A winner of the prize package will be chosen and awarded during the following week. As you finish your books, please use the Linky below to post and use the following format:
Example: Bev@My Reader's Block (book title)
Color Coded Challenge Reviews
(Linkup closed)
And for Wrap-up post
Bev@My Reader's Block (Wrap-up)
Color Coded Wrap Up
(Linkup closed)
Dear Bev
I have been trying to link up my post for the 8th category: Any other color. The book is The Story of IVY.
The link doesn't show-up however. So I am leaving it in the comments:
My link is not showing up! Here is my review of Water-Blue Eyes
Fixed it!
There seems to be some problem with the link.
Category; Black
Book: The Crime at Black Dudley by Margery Allingham
Love the idea, just posted my first review.
Hello, my blog has relocated...do you mind if I resubmit the reviews I have already added? or should I just post them in a comment here? (fear of dead links)
Amber: Sorry to be late getting back...feel free to resubmit. I can disable the old links.
For the Blue category: Ian Rankin's Black and Blue:
The link doesn't show-up, so I've posted this in comments.
Whoops, I don't follow directions well - I posted this under the wrong blog post - sorry!! I finished the challenge so I wanted to update. I'll add the link to my main color-coded reading challenge blog post page above. This page has the links to all my reviews for the challenge. Thanks so much for hosting this again!
Finished the challenge! yay. I posted my last book review for it last night. Wrap-up post is up as well. I'm glad I did it. I read some great stuff. Thanks for hosting!
All signed up!
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