Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday: Choose Your Own

Hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

Top Ten Tuesday is an original bookish meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week a new top ten topic is posted for followers to write about. This week we have been given free rein to choose our own Top Ten topic--as long as it's bookish it's a go. I've decided to do my Top Ten Covers from 2011 (that's covers of books I actually read, not books published in 2011).

Here we go:

1. Out of the Silent Planet (1938): I love the early Science Fiction look of the C. S. Lewis trilogy.

2. This is an incredibly fun book with an equally fun cover: The Thornthwaite Inheritance by Gareth P Jones.

3. Shroud of Darkness by E. C. R. Lorac: One of my vintage mysteries. A nice murder at a train station.

4. The Innocent Bottle by Anthony Gilbert. She doesn't look innocent, does she? I love the covers on the classic pocket size editions...

5. Ray Bradbury's classic Something Wicked This Way Comes. The cover absolutely gives the sense of the evil blowing into town....

6. Intruder in the Dust by William Faulkner: simple and poignant. The book? Not so simple...but poignant.

7. Who Needs Donuts? by Mark Alan Stamaty--a terrific cover for a terrific children's book.

8. The Herring in the Library by L. C. Taylor: I just love these simply drawn covers.

9. Bone Harvest by Mary Logue: What a placid cover. And a striking contrast for the thriller-style mystery that Logue has written.

10. The Club Dumas by Arturo Pérez-Reverte. I just like the shadowy suggestion of the musketeer...


Sherrie said...

Hi Bev,
Looks like some interesting books. I didn't see a place for reviews of Mount TBR Reading Challenge. I've got my first review of a book on my list. Have a great day!

Just Books

Yvette said...

Great covers, Bev. I most especially liked the CLUB DUMAS cover. But then all of this writer's books usually have great covers.

I wish I could say I've enjoyed his books, but....I did try one, I think, THE FENCING MASTER (LOVE that title) but just couldn't get with the program. I think it's the translation that threw me.

Bev Hankins said...

The Fencing Master wasn't near as good as Club Dumas