1. Sherrie @ Just Books
2. Sophia @ Sophia's Book Blog
3. Gina @ Book Dragon's Lair
4. Anja @ Reading 2011
5. Srivalli @ Valli's Book Den
And now I enter the challengers' numbers into the Custom Random Number Generator (listen to it whir and whistle)...and it churns out......Number 3!!! That means our winner is Gina from Book Dragon's Lair. I will be contacting Gina ASAP and she will have 48 hours to confirm with me before I have the CRNG give us a new winner.
Once again, congratulations to everyone who finished. And thanks for joining me in my color reading fixation this past year. I've opted not to sponsor this year...but I may give it another try in 2013. If the Mayans aren't right about that whole end of the world thing.....
**Gina has confirmed with me and our winner is established. 1/5/12
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