Like neer at A Hot Cup of Pleasure, I thought I had signed up for all the mystery-related challenges that might interest me in 2012. Winds up I'm wrong. Jen over at Jensbookthoughts.com is hosting a second year (how'd I miss it last year??) of her Criminal Plots Reading Challenge. The rules are pretty simple--in a nutshell: read six books this year in six predetermined categories. For full details and to sign up click on the challenge link above. Since we can count books from other challenges, my madness isn't really as bad as it seems. I'm only adding ONE new book (that's right, just one) and if any of my other mystery challenges had a book with a weapon in the title I wouldn't have had to add that one. (Who knew that I could read so many mysteries with NO weapons in the title?).
Here's my plan:
1. Novel with a weapon in the title: A Dram of Poison by Charlotte Armstrong (5/17/12)
2. Book published at least 10 years ago: The Black Seven by Carol Kendall, pub.1946 (1/29/12)
3. Book written by author from Indiana (the state I live in): The House of a Thousand Candles by Meredith Nicholson (from Crawfordsville, IN) [6/17/12]
4. Book written by an author using a pen name: The Morning After Death by Nicholas Blake (aka Cecil Day Lewis: Poet Laureate, Great Britain 1968-1972) [5/14/12]
5. Crime novel whose protagonist is the opposite gender of the author: Nothing Can Rescue Me by Elizabeth Daly (protagonist--Henry Gamadge) [2/18/12]
6. Stand-alone novel by author who writes at least one series: So Many Steps to Death (aka Destination Unknown) by Agatha Christie (Poirot series, Miss Marple series, etc) [5/25/12]
Oh my...
What? What?!
I love the way you already have a list prepared. All the Best.
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