Books Read (click on titles for review):
Prayers to Broken Stones by Dan Simmons
The Masks of Time by Robert Silverberg
Currently Reading:
Unseen Academicals by Terry Pratchett: The wizards at Ankh-Morpork's Unseen University are renowned for many things—wisdom, magic, and their love of teatime—but athletics is most assuredly not on the list. And so when Lord Ventinari, the city's benevolent tyrant, strongly suggests to Archchancellor Mustrum Ridcully that the university revive an erstwhile tradition and once again put forth a football team composed of faculty, students, and staff, the wizards of UU find themselves in a quandary. To begin with, they have to figure out just what it is that makes this sport—soccer with a bit of rugby thrown in—so popular with Ankh-Morporkians of all ages and social strata. Then they have to learn how to play it. Oh, and on top of that, they must win a football match without using magic.
Books that spark my interest:
The Time Machine by H. G. Wells
The First Men in the Moon by H. G. Wells
The Future on Ice by Orson Scott Card (ed)
Murder & Magic by Randall Garrett
The Jesus Incident by Frank Herbert & Bill Ransom
Future Crime by Cynthia Mason & Charles Ardai, eds.
Twenty-Thousand Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne
[You will notice the preponderance of science fiction titles...I'm in the midst of the Science Fiction Experience "challenge" sponsored by Carl V. SF will be the main item on the menu until the end of February.]
Great reads! I'm also interested in reading Time Machine :)
La Toya (La Toya, Literally.)
Wow, you're not going to be bored...exciting looking titles!
Thanks for visiting my blog....
Terry Pratchett and Dan Simmons are both awesome authors! What a great reading week for you!
Great titles and awesome response to your challenge!!
Have a great week!!
Oh enjoy Unseen Academicals. It's one of my very favorite Discworld books. Football, Magic! :)
Great titles. Enjoy your books!
Have a good week...I've heard of all of those but haven't read a single one. Maybe I need to go on a classics binge? Enjoy!
Science Fiction is one genre I haven't much reading experience with though I'd like to think I'd enjoy The Time Machine and Twenty-Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. Unseen Academicals, your current read, sounds like great fun!
I need to re-visit Terry Pratchett. I tried some Disc world books several years ago and didn't see the appeal. So many people love him though that I have to think I missed something. Enjoy your week!
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