Thursday, December 6, 2018

2019 Challenges Reminder

As we head into the home stretch of 2018, I just want to take a moment to remind the folks on my Block of the exciting challenges on offer for the New Year. I'd love to have you all join me for all of them....but maybe I can tempt you into just one? Here are the links for what's on offer in 2019:

My old standby...the Vintage Mystery Challenge (which features variations in theme and method). This year's version is the same as last: Just the Facts, Ma'am

Brand New for 2019: The Calendar of Crime Challenge (which allows for mysteries of all publication dates read according to various calendar-related categories).

Another perennial favorite: Mount TBR 2019 (to help reduce those teetering stacks of books waiting to be read).

Also Brand New for 2019: The VIRTUAL Mount TBR Challenge (designed for those who have long lists of want-to-read books from the library, books borrowed from friends, or any other books you do not own yourself).

Returning for another year (and indefinitely: The Monthly Key Word Challenge (Read books with certain words in the title each month).

 And last, but not least: The Color Coded Challenge and Read It Again Sam Challenges. Two challenges that have their small, but devoted group of fans and which are offered at the same page. The first requiring books with color-based requirements and the second for those who like to reread old favorites (or give not-so-favorites another chance).

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