Monday, January 6, 2014

Bout of Books: Challenge

Bout of Books 9.0 Mad Libs Challenge  

Our first mini-challenge of the Bout of Books 9.0!  Cheap Thrills has given us a list of words to grab from book titles to make a Mad Lib story.  Here's the list with my choices:

Character Name: Beverly of Graustark by George Barr McCutcheon
Adjective 1: Dangerous Visions 3 by Harlan Ellison
Adjective 2: The Purple Cloud by M. P. Shiel
Item: The Skeleton in the Clock by Carter Dickson
Occupation: The Professor's Mystery by Wells Hastings & Brian Hooker
Act of Violence: Murder by Latitude by Rufus King
Adjective 3: A Silent Witness by R. Austin Freeman
Noun 1: Bedknobs and Broomsticks by Mary Norton
Noun 2: The Body in the Bookcase by Katherine Hall Page

And my story with the words above inserted:

I just read the greatest book!

This guy Beverly ends up in the middle of a dangerous conspiracy. Turns out his ancestors were pirates, and he might be the key to finding the Purple Clock. It’s a mythic artifact that disappeared centuries ago, and now a shadowy group of professors are looking for it. No one knows what uncovering it might do, but these guys are willing to murder for it.

I won’t say anything else. But believe me, if you like silent stories with broomsticks and a bookcase, you have to read this one.

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