Sunday, August 12, 2012

Gold Medal in Synchronized Reading

The 2012 Olympics came to an end today and throughout the duration of the Olympic Games Random House of Canada  was hosting a reading challenge for those of us who had Olympic-size TBR piles to conquer!

I, of course, had a HUGE TBR pile (think of a whole mountain range of Everests), so I gladly signed up for the Olympic Reading Trials! I made the team and set my sights on a goal of 1500 pages. Read-a-thons throughout the year had helped me train for this event and soon I was off and running. Today, when I looked at the final scores, I found that I had exceeded my goal by 311 pages!  A gold medal--plus!

You can look here and see how all the Reading Athletes have placed in the 2012 Olympic Reading Games.
Thanks to Michelle at The True Book Addict for bringing this one to my attention!

Reading List:
1. Murder at the Portland Variety by M. J. Zellnik (317 pages) [Complete 7/29/12]
2. Surprised by Joy by C. S. Lewis (238 pages) [Complete 7/31/12] 
3. Sense & Sensibility by Jane Austen (307 pages so far) 
4. The Key by Patricia Wentworth (236 pages) [Complete 8/5/12]
5. Mysterious Incidents at Lone Rock by Rajendra Pillai (248 pages) [8/6/12] 
6. Gideon's Month by J. J. Marric (158 pages) [8/7/12]
7. The Anatomy of Death  by Felicity Young (307 pages) [8/10/12]

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