Book Beginnings on Friday
is a bookish meme now
sponsored by Rose City Reader (who originally inspired the meme).
Here's what you do: Share the first line
(or two) of the book you are currently
reading on your blog or in the comments
section. Include the title and author so
we know what you're reading. Then, if you
are so moved, let us know what your
first impressions were based on that first line
and if you did or did not like that sentence. Link up each week
at Gilion's place.
Here's mine from the prologue of The Fleet Street Murders by Charles Finch:
Here's mine from the prologue of The Fleet Street Murders by Charles Finch:
It was late in the evening, and a thin winter rain beat down over London's low buildings and high steeples, collecting in sallow pools beneath the streetlights and insinuating its way inside the clothes of the miserable few whom fate had kept outside. Inside Charles Lenox's house, however, tucked on a short lane just off Grosvenor Square, all was warm and merry.
Quite a contrast. Looks like the mystery is going to cover both the lower and upper classes.

Here's mine from The Fleet Street Murders by Charles Finch:
"He said to tell you, 'It's McConnell, the poor sod,' sir. He said you'd know what that means."