Hosted by Reading Between the Pages
*A theme will be posted each week on Thursday
*Select a conversation/snippet/sentence from your current book that features the theme
*Post it and don't forget to mention the author and title of the book
*Event is open for the whole week
*Link back to Reading Between the Pages
Here's mine from March Violets by Philip Kerr (p. 64):
"Do you like jazz?" she said, changing the subject. "Oh, it's all right, it's not negro jazz. I love it, don't you?" Only non-negro jazz is permitted in Germany now, but I often wonder how they can tell the difference.
"I like any kind of jazz," I said. She wound up the gramophone and put the needle into the groove. It was a nice relaxed sort of piece with a strong clarinet and a saxophonist who could have led a company of Italians across no man's land in a barrage.

Lol, I like the way the sentence ends.. :) "who could have led a company of Italians across no man's land in a barrage." Nice choice this week again Bev.
Thanks for stopping by! I love jazz, great pick this week!
I'm a jazz lover, too. Thanks for sharing this excerpt...and for visiting my blog.
Perfect choice - something very special about great jazz.
Oh I love your choice - it was perfect!
Still windy out here so I was afraid I wouldn't get in this week. I am trying to post as much as I can in case the power goes down again. Thanks for dropping by my blog and leaving your comment I needed it.
Good choice! Interesting cover.
Who doesn't love jazz? Great choice for your sound theme. Hope you enjoy your book:)
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