Saturday, November 2, 2013

Vintage Mystery BINGO 2014: Silver & Gold Edition

First of all, I must give credit for the bingo-style challenge idea to Anne from Creativity’s Corner and Kristilyn from Reading in Winter.  These ladies enticed me with their 2013 Bingo Reading Challenge this past year.  I had so much fun with it that I thought it would be very cool to come up with a mystery version.  As those of you who have been with me on the Vintage Mystery Challenge since its beginnings in 2011 know, I like to keep things interesting and change up the challenge each year.  With Anne & Kristilyn’s kind permission, I have “stolen” their idea and given it a mysterious twist.  If you love challenges as much as I do be sure and check out their 2014 Bingo Reading Challenge --last year's Bingo Challenge was a lot of fun and I'm looking forward to their 2014 version.

I have also decided to expand the range of Vintage books to allow for two levels of "old" mysteries.  We will break our book categories into "Golden" and "Silver" Age books (see definitions below) with a separate Bingo card for each level. 

Here are the rules:
* All books must be from the mystery category (crime fiction, detective fiction, espionage, etc.).  The mystery/crime must be the primary feature of the book--ghost stories, paranormal, romance, humor, etc are all welcome as ingredients, but must not be the primary category under which these books would be labeled at the library or bookstore.

*Challengers may play either the Silver Age or Golden Age Card—or both.  For the purposes of this challenge, the Golden Age Vintage Mysteries must have been first published before 1960. Golden Age short story collections (whether published pre-1960 or not) are permissible provided all of the stories included in the collection were originally written pre-1960.  Please remember that some of our Golden Age Vintage authors wrote well after 1959--so keep an eye on the original publication date and apply them to the appropriate card.  Silver Age Vintage Mysteries may be first published any time from 1960 to 1989 (inclusive).  Again, Silver Age short story collections published later than 1989 are permissible as long as they feature stories first published during the declared Silver Age years and include no stories first published later than 1989.  Yes, I admit my dates are arbitrary and may not exactly meet standard definitions of Golden or Silver Age. 

*Challenge runs from January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014. Sign up any time between now and November 30, 2014.  Any books read from January 1 on may count regardless of your sign-up date. If you have a blog, please post about the challenge and a little bit about your commitment—if you’re going Silver or Gold…or maybe some of each. Then sign up via one of the linkys found below. And please make the url link to your Challenge post and not your home page. (Links that do not follow this rule will be removed.)  If you decide to go for broke and try to score on both cards, you only need sign up once--pick a card, any card for your link. 

*One Free Space per card—you may use your Free Space to cover any spot on the board.  The Free Space book must fulfill one of the categories from the card, but it may fulfill ANY space you like—even a category you have already fulfilled.   For example…if you are having trouble finding a book to meet the “mode of transportation” category, but you really need that space to complete a BINGO then you may read a book that meets any other category on the board and use your Free Space to claim the “mode of transportation” space.

*No double-counting.  A book may not count for both the original category (say, "Woman in the Title") and as the Free Space to replace "mode of transportation."  A second "Woman in the Title" would need to be read to complete the Free Space and replace "mode of transportation."

*BINGOS may be claimed by completing all spaces in a row--horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.  You may also claim a “Four Corner” BINGO by reading a book for each of the four corners plus two more spaces—any two.  A valid BINGO must have six complete spaces.

*Any challenger who completes one BINGO will be entered in a drawing at the end of the year.  Any challenger who completes two or more BINGOs (either from the same card or BINGOs from each card) will automatically be offered a prize from the prize list.  Any challenger who covers a card by completing all categories will automatically be offered a prize from the prize list (as referred to in the "two or more BINGOs" section) PLUS a special surprise bonus.

*The categories are open for interpretation.  Many of these categories were featured in the 2013 version of the challenge and it may help to refer to the 2013 Challenge List.  If you have doubts whether a potential book will meet a category, please email me at phryne1969 AT gmail DOT com.  The “Out of Your Comfort Zone” is absolutely up to you.  For me—that will most likely mean hard-boiled or spy/thriller—but if that’s what you prefer, then you might go for a nice cozy mystery.  *Borrow = from the library, from a friend, using free electronic downloads. In my world “own” means that you have purchased the book (preferably hard copy—but that’s just me, :-)  ) or received it as a present.

*You are welcome to count these books towards any other challenges as well.

*I would love to see reviews of your challenge books, but it is not necessary to participate. If you do not have a blog, post to the comments below that you intend to join and then post again at the progress site (See Sidebar for Link) when you have completed your challenge (include a list of books read and which categories you have completed).  If you use a Free Space, please indicate what category the book read is actually from and which space is being claimed.

***Addendum: You are welcome to change your mind about what square a book qualifies for until you have claimed a Bingo using that book in a certain square.  Once books are used to claim a Bingo, they are tied to those spaces.

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(Linkup closed)

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(Linkup closed)


Peggy Ann said...

Sounds fun, Bev! I'll be back to sign up!

TracyK said...

I had already planned to join in this year, but I am thrilled that you have added the Silver category. There have often been books in the 60's that I wanted to count, and I love books from the 60's - 80's. So I will come back and sign up once I have time to set up a joining post.

Bev Hankins said...

Yay! Two eager Bingo-players!

Ryan said...

I'll be back to sign up, I think I'm going to play both cards though!

Cath said...

I'm still thinking about it but think I might sign up for this later this week. I quite fancy having a go at the Golden option... having just discovered Dorothy L. Sayers and wanting to read more in that vein.

jmisgro said...

I know for sure that i will do the Silver but I need to investigate books for the Gold.....Thanks Bev!!

Susan said...

Thanks to Cath, I've just found your blog, and will do a post shortly to sign up for this challenge. I have to decide which colour I want to do. This is fun! Good blog, too, Bev, I'm off to explore it now (Cath said something about a TBR challenge for next year too....

Bev Hankins said...

Hi, Susan! I'm glad to have you join in. Yes, there is a Mt. TBR challenge for next year as well--click on the logo on the sidebar.

Debbie Rodgers said...

I swore I wasn't going to join any challenges in 2014, Bev - even unofficially. But I LOVE these cards. I'm in and will be back to link in a couple of weeks.

Anonymous said...

Sounds marvellous Bev - as always, can't wait to get started - thank you.

Bev Hankins said...

Susan: Glad to have you join in!

Debbie: It's hard to resist Bingo, isn't it?

jdf21 said...

I'd like to join.

Bev Hankins said...

Glad to have you jdf21!

Tami said...

This sounds like a blast. Thanks to Peggy for bringing it to my attention. I'll be back to leave a link as soon as I get a post ready. The biggest problem will be getting myself to wait till Jan. 1 to start reading.

Bev Hankins said...

Welcome, Tami! Yes, it is hard to wait for the new challenges once they start popping up. It doesn't seem to matter that I still have books to read for the 2013 challenges...I want to do the new ones!

Donna said...

I'll be in on this again this year. My post will be up soon.

Anonymous said...

I'm in (again), Bev. I've added my link above. These are always great fun - you might even push me into reading more from the 1960-1989 period with this incentive!

Anonymous said...

I'm going to give this challenge a try. Looks like fun. My #11 link works, but my #10 doesn't work. Couldn't remove #10 because it's on your blog. Thanks for having me.

Bev Hankins said...

Welcome Tea norman! I'll go in and take care of that non-working link. So glad to have you joining us in 2014. Good luck and I look forward to hearing you call out "Bingo!"

JLS Hall said...

Can't pass this up. There are soooo many vintage mysteries on my TBR list. Love the Bingo idea, too. Thanks so much for hosting.

Marj said...

The last challenge was a lot of fun, can't wait to do it again!

sesa said...

I'd like to give it a go. I am thinking of trying out for the Golden Age category.

Unknown said...

I'd like to participate. I'm going for Gold.

Bev Hankins said...

Welcome Sesa and Bruce! Glad to have you playing along with us in 2014!

Marj said...

All signed up and ready to go, just as soon as I finish up the last 3 challenges for 2013! And I have a question about the rules.  Are ebooks okay?  Because I just bought some ebook mysteries from the 1970s and 1980s that were on sale for cyber Monday (like I didn't have enough books to read already lol).Thanks for putting together this challenge!

Bev Hankins said...

E-books are absolutely okay--as are audio-novels, library books, etc.

neer said...

Hi Bev

Have signed-up for the challenge. Thanks for hosting it once again.

neer said...


Are re-reads allowed?

Bev Hankins said...

Neer: Most certainly.

J F Norris said...

Oh, you vintage crime temptress! I will attempt to do both cards and cover every single spot! A mere 72 books. Piece of cake. :^D

Bev Hankins said...

Yay, John! Bring on those little-known books! I can't wait to see what you read. And, have I got a super-duper surprise prize lined up for you if you do cover a card (or two ;-) ).

col2910 said...

Count me in! Golden and Silver, just a line on each (hopefully!)

Bev Hankins said...

Hi, col2910! Glad you're joining us.

Gary McDole said...


The BINGO cards are great. I think I can safely commit to two Golden and one Silver row. I have no blog, as you know, but possibly could post a link to an update every three months or so, if that’s agreeable.

Bev Hankins said...

That works, Gary!

neer said...

Hi Bev, I had another question:

Should these books only to be written/ translated into English or can we read mysteries written/ translated into other languages?

Bev Hankins said...

neer: The rule for translation last year was--Works that originally appeared in another language and have been made available in English (works published in English post-1960 would be acceptable, provided the original was published pre-1960). Georges Simeon's works come to mind. OR If your native language is not English, then works that originally appeared in English and have been made available in your native language (same dating rules apply).

Anonymous said...

Bev, I hate it, but I will have to abandon this challenge before I begin it. I'm so sorry. Thanks for giving this challenge. I hope one year to make a go of it. Thanks again.

Bev Hankins said...

Tea norman: Sorry to hear that--hope that all is okay with you. And I will hope to see you participate some time in the future!

Anonymous said...

I'm going to sign up for the Golden Challenge, but I don't have a sign up post yet. I just read my first Georgette Heyer and looking to read more. This looks like a fun challenge!

Bev Hankins said...

thebookstop: Welcome! Hope you have fun with it!

Abi said...

Last year was so much fun, I am back at these challenges again!! Thanks Bev for these!

Book Dragon said...

I like the requirements but don't read that many mysteries . . . I don't think. . . maybe I should sign up anyways and see!

Bev Hankins said...

Abbhi: Welcome back!

Book Dragon: You definitely should sign up. Six books...that's all you need to complete it. One little ol' Bingo. Just one.

Jane Wednesday said...

Just signed up for both Silver and Golden. Thank you for hosting this challenge!

Anonymous said...

I've signed up for Silver this year.

Bev Hankins said...

Welcome to the bingo game room, Jane and westwoodrich!

Anonymous said...

Hi Bev. Is there a page where we record our reads again this year?

Sherrie said...

Hi Bev,
I will be joining you in this reading challenge. Sounds like lots of fun. I've put my link in for the Silver Bingo Challenge. Have a great day!!

Food for Thought

Bev Hankins said...

Pastoffences: Yes. See link on my sidebar.

Kate said...

Hi all,
I will be joining the gold bingo challenge. I do not have a blog, so will just be posting my progress on progress page. Really love the concept and definitely gives an extra incentive to read (not that I need one!)

Bev Hankins said...

Hi, Kate! Welcome to the Bingo Room. Glad to have you reading with us.