Sunday, November 1, 2015

2016 Mount TBR Reading Challenge

This will be the fourth year for the Mount TBR Reading Challenge and I don't seem to be getting those mountains moved at all. Despite the fact that I will have knocked over 100 books off of my 2015 Mount TBR by the end of December, there are still whole mountain ranges waiting to be conquered. As fast as I read 'em and get them off the stacks, my bookaholic ways help me replace them.

So, once again, I plan to concentrate on reading primarily from my own books in the coming year. And you're invited to join me in knocking out some of those books that have been waiting in the wings for weeks....months...even years.

Challenge Levels:

Pike's Peak: Read 12 books from your TBR pile/s

Mount Blanc: Read 24 books from your TBR pile/s
Mt. Vancouver: Read 36 books from your TBR pile/s
Mt. Ararat: Read 48 books from your TBR piles/s
Mt. Kilimanjaro: Read 60 books from your TBR pile/s
El Toro: Read 75 books from your TBR pile/s
Mt. Everest: Read 100 books from your TBR pile/s

Mount Olympus (Mars): Read 150+ books from your TBR pile/s

And the rules:
*Once you choose your challenge level, you are locked in for at least that many books. If you find that you're on a mountain-climbing roll and want to tackle a taller mountain, then you are certainly welcome to upgrade.  All books counted for lower mountains carry over towards the new peak.

*Challenge runs from January 1 to December 31, 2016.

*You may sign up anytime from now until November 1st, 2016.

*Books must be owned by you prior to January 1, 2016. No library books. 

*Rereads may count only in the following circumstances: If you did not own the book when you read it long ago and far away [based on your age, you can decide what that might mean--definitely not within the last five arbitrary pick for a limit] and you bought the book pre-January 1, 2016 intending to reread it now that it's your very own.  [To clarify--the intention is to reduce the stack of books that you have bought for yourself or received as presents {birthday, Christmas, "just because," etc.}. Audiobooks and E-books may count if they are yours and they are one of your primary sources of backlogged books.]

*You may count any "currently reading" book that you begin prior to January 1--provided that you had 50% or more of the book left to finish in 2015.  I will trust you all on that. 

*You may count "Did Not Finish" books provided they meet your own standard for such things, you do not plan to ever finish it, and you move it off your mountain [give it away, sell it, etc. OR remove it from your e-resources]. For example, my personal rule (unless it's a very short book) is to give a book at least 100 pages. If I decide I just can't finish it and won't ever, then off the mountain it goes and I count it as a victory--the stack is smaller!  

*Books may be used to count for other challenges as well.

*Feel free to submit your list in advance (as incentive to really get those books taken care of) or to tally them as you climb.

*There will be quarterly check-ins and prize drawings!

*A blog and reviews are not necessary to participate. If you have a blog, then please post a challenge sign up and link THAT post (not your home page) into the linky below. Non-bloggers, please leave a comment declaring your challenge level--OR, if you are a member of Goodreads, I will once again put together a group for the challenge there. Feel free to sign up HERE. At the beginning of the year, I will once again have a sidebar link for called Mount TBR Review Headquarters for 2016 reviews and progress updates.

2016 Mount TBR Sign-Up
1. Avid Series Reader  73. Melissa Lee's Many Reads  
2. Bev@My Reader's Block  74. Kimberly @ On the Wings of Books  
3. Lois@ You, Me and a Cup of Tea  75. Mark @ Carstairs Considers  
4. Sue  76. Bev baird  
5. Rachel @hibernatorslibrary  77. Purposeful Abnegation  
6. Gina @ Book Dragon's Lair  78. Tiffani@Passport Books  
7. Bunnita @ Worth Reading It?  79. Colleen @ Janey Canuck  
8. Raye @ The Book Hoarder  80. BookLover6514  
9. Jacque @ Jacque's Book Nook  81. Julie  
10. Bridgett @ The Biblieophile's Apprentice  82. Heather @ Books Are Life Vita Libri  
11. Valerie @ The Online Diary of Valerie Collins  83. Michele @ inkalicious  
12. Becca@ The Bookkeeper's Apprentice  84. s  
13. Margaret @ BooksPlease  85. Jules @ Jules' Book Reviews  
14. Marian @ noonlight reads  86. Laura  
15. Julie's Reading Corner  87. Becca @ I'm Lost in Books  
16. Joy @A Little Reading  88. Rebecca  
17. Jean @ Howling Frog  89. Irene @ boghunden  
18. Bemused Bookworm  90. Tarissa @ In the Bookcase  
19. Gloria G  91. Margaret @ JustOneMoreChapter  
20. BookSophisticate  92. Terri@Turning Homeward  
21. Kate @ booksaremyfavouriteandbest  93. Lisa @ Reading, Writing, and Random Musings  
22. Cath @ read_warbler  94. Allie @ A Literary Odyssey  
23. Joann Downie  95. Kristi @ Bibliowrecka  
24. Jennifer S  96. Manu @ silent conversation  
25. Valerie @ He Said Books or Me  97. Melanie  
26. Angie @ Angels Are Kids And Furkids  98. Joelle  
27. Lianne @ The Towering Pile  99. It's a Hardback Life  
28. Bruce @ The Bookshelf Gargoyle  100. April @ SmartGirlsRead  
29. Julia @ Becca Booklover  101. J. Madison  
30. Jemima Pett  102. Jaymie @ The Collegiate Cat Lady  
31. Dana Huff @ Much Madness is Divinest Sense  103. Deb@Day n the Life  
32. Brittany @ The Crafty Engineer's Bookshelf  104. Barbara H. @ Stray Thoughts  
33. Kerstin Wörterkatze  105. Melanie @ Simple Amazing Grace  
34. Samantha @ JustonemorePage  106. Erin @ Rinsquared  
35. Kaida @my blogdolcevita  107. Gilda Felt  
36. Em  108. Angel @ The Itinerant Librarian  
37. Holli @ Goodreads  109. Katherine Noftz Nagel  
38. Carol  110. Rachael Turns Pages  
39. Karissa @ Hidden in Pages  111. Diana  
40. Landslide @ Tantos Livros Tão Pouco Tempo  112. Ahavah @ This Path  
41. Jessie Marie Reads  113. Kim@Time2Read  
42. Anja K. @ The Dilettante Bookworm  114. Carey @ Carey Reads  
43. Annette @ Impressions In Ink  115. Stephanie @ Adventures of a Bibliophile  
44. Kat @ Grown Up Book Reports  116. Serpent @  
45. Diana @ Papéis e Letras  117. Ashley @ Ashleyz Wonderland  
46. Nikki @ Book Punks  118. Lily  
47. nordie @ writing about books  119. The Introverted Reader  
48. Mel @ So totally not addicted  120. Kali @ What This Witch Reads  
49. Ani's Book Abyss  121. The Tea Cat @ Pages Left Unturned  
50. o @ Behold the Stars  122. Su @ Cheekyness  
51. Marylou @ As the page turns  123. Laurie C @ Bay State Reader's Advisory  
52. Lisa notes  124. Dita  
53. Sarah  125. Joel@IShouldBeReading  
54. Sam @ RiverMooseReads  126. Cherie A  
55. Belle's Library Reading Challenges  127. Corinne  
56. Alex @ The Book Banner  128. Janae @ ThePerspicaciousReader  
57. Holly  129. Charlie@Fur Earwig!  
58. Kristine @ The Cat's Tale  130. Girl with her Head in a Book  
59. Major  131. Lady T  
60. Andrea @ The Overstuffed Bookcase  132. Binny  
61. Tabea @ Beloved Pages  133. a hot cup of pleasure  
62. Jessie  134. Martha @ Reviews by Martha's Bookshelf  
63. IndianaJane  135. Emma @ The Terror of Knowing  
64. Freda @ Freda's Voice  136. Georgia  
65. Gilion at Rose City Reader  137. Noah  
66. Chelsea @ To Each Their Own Reviews  138. Stephen  
67. petit coeur @ That's What She Read  139. redatt  
68. Laura @ 125Pages  140. Amy @ Every Book You Need to Read and More  
69. Frodo @ Frodo's Blog of Randomness  141. J.G. @ Hotchpot Cafe  
70. Jessica @ Jess resides here  142. Darlene @ Darlene's Book Nook  
71. White Jenna  143. Elena Johansen  
72. Ciska @ Ciska's Book Chest  

(Linkup closed)


fredamans said...

Even though I fail miserably year after year, I will be back and one day conquer that mountain. Mt. Vancouver has my name written all over it. I guess I will spend the rest of 2015 conditioning for the climb.
Be back soon to link up.

Book Dragon said...

Two questions: what about pre-orders and review books?

I fail every year but I'm going for it again! Thanks so much for hosting it again.

At least the captcha is just a checkmark

Bev Hankins said...

Book Dragon: This year I've removed the ARC restriction. While my intent was to have challenge targeted for your personal TBR (books that you bought for yourself or received as presents, etc), I know that many people have ARCs on their TBR piles as well. Up to you--as long as the ARC is received prior to Jan 1. Pre-orders purchased for yourself prior to Jan 1 are also acceptable.

Marian H said...

I'm excited to participate in 2016...this sounds like perfect challenge for me! :)

Brona said...

I think my groaning shelves are telling me it's time to tackle this challenge!

Jennifer Spencer said...

I'm all over this challenge. Pike's Peak is my goal.

Anonymous said...

This looks very fun! However, no library books may be a challenge! I will consider how many books I'll have owned and unread and get back to you. :-)
(Please reply on my blog if you would like- I don't be,over it will notify me, sorry!)

Carol said...

I just found your blog the other day & was so pleased to see you had a TBR challenge! Just added my link. I chose 24 books with the intention of trying to read 12 of them (or more).

Anja K. said...

I have reduced my TBR pile so significantly thanks to this challenge + really clamping down on impulse book-buying that I might be straining to summit Mt Kilimanjaro a 3rd time but I am definitely going to sign up and have at it! It's great to have a goal like this. Thanks for hosting it again!

I'm close to summiting for 2015 and I can't wait :)

Annette said...

I'm signing up for 36 books for the Mt. Vancouver level.

Nikki ( said...

I'm really looking forward to this!

Here is my sign up post:

Lisa notes... said...

So excited! My TBR books on my real shelves have decreased drastically the past few years, but my Kindle??? Tons of books. So I'll primarily be working on reading those.

Sarah Coller said...

Thanks for the fun challenge! Please check out my Victorian Reading Challenge for some great prizes all year!


Alex Brennan said...

I've tried TBR pile challenges in the past, but I haven't been very successful. I like that I don't have to declare which books I'm going to read, just that I will be reading books I own. My reading moods are constantly changing, so books I commit to in January aren't necessarily books I want to read in July. You know? This is going to be fun! Thanks for hosting this. I'm excited to climb my book mountain! :D

Unknown said...

Never tried a TBR challenge before, or any reading challenge at all. But my kindle, as they say, overfloweth. Or something. I'm not going to commit to specific books, but I am going to aim for a Mt Vancouver like 36 book haul. Ought to be a doddle...

LuAnn @ BackPorchervations said...

I think I actually cleared 'a respectable number of books' from my tbr list/shelf. Where I fall down is recording what I've read. Oh well, there's always 2016, right? Happy New Year!

Gracious warrior princess said...

I will be joining in Mt. Vancouver (36 books) and have joined in Goodreads too. :)

Unknown said...

Excited to be participating for the first time this year :)

Gilion at Rose City Reader said...

I'm in again at the Mt. Ararat level, although I have a stretch goal to reach Mt. Kilimanjaro!

Anonymous said...

Doing Pike's Peak again; it got me to read six books specifically to meet the challenge! :) And some of those had been hanging around for quite some time....

Tiffani said...

Officially I will be climbing Mt. Vancouver. However, I hope to go even further, perhaps all the way to Mount Ararat.

BookLover6514 said...

Signing up for Pike's Peak level.

busyblogger said...

Danielle climbing Mt. Vancouver!

Anonymous said...

Joining at the Pike's Peak level specifically to work on e-books lingering on my Kindle. Thanks for the motivation!

Anonymous said...

I'm ever the optimistic that I will conquer my massive mountain of TBR, every year the library books take over. I will focus on it this year, I will...

Unknown said...

Sounds like a great motivation to get at some of my TBRs. Will go after Pike's Peak to start. Thanks for the challenge!

Nikki said...

I signed up on GR! But I do have a question regarding pre-orders. To verify from above, pre-ordered books count towards the challenge as long as I pre-ordered the book prior to the first of the year but the book itself can come out in 2016? I just want to make absolutely certain, I have a lot of pre-orders.

Bev Hankins said...

Nikki: Yes--anything ordered in 2015 counts--no matter when you receive it. Bev

Bev Hankins said...

Welcome everyone!

laurali99 said...

Count me in! Mt. Vancouver. This was my reading plan for the year already - to tackle books I own before borrowing more. Thanks for the extra incentive! I started with I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings

thecoolmom said...

I have so many books accumulated that I want to read sitting on my shelves. Thanks for doing this challenge. I'm in for 12, but hope the total will be much higher.

Atroskity said...

I was looking for a less specific challenge this year, to allow for more random reading while still accomplishing something, and I think this one fits the bill perfectly. I'm going to start out with Pike's Peak and see how things go! I'll be tracking things over on my booklikes blog:

Deb J. in Utah said...

I'm with you on this one. I have lots of books on my "to read" shelves so I will take the "Pikes Peak" challenge, although I hope to read many more books than that! Thanks for hosting this!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for hosting this challenge! It's great to be reminded of books I had forgotten I had.

Melanie said...

I'm looking forward to this challenge and reading books that have been on my shelves for years. One confession - one of my chosen books belonged to my grandmother and is old and very fragile. I'm going to read the library copy of that so I don't totally destroy it! Hope that's okay!

Unknown said...

I would like to work on the Mt. Blanc level. Have lots of books on my TBR list!! :)

Unknown said...

Mt. Ararat for me- Let the reading commence!

A. Rivera said...

Slowly picking out my challenges for 2016 and making the opening posts. I did this challenge last year, and after attempting it twice (I had tried previously in 2013), I made it to Pike's Peak in 2015. I still have plenty of books on my TBR piles, so I am headed back up the mountain this year.

Love seeing so many people signing up. Should be interesting to see what others are reading.

Best, and keep on reading and blogging.

Cherie said...

The number of books on my Kindle that I have bought in the last couple of years that I am a little amazed. I am going to give this a try. Sign me up for Mt. Vancouver, but I will try to do much higher!

Rachael said...

I'm back to try this challenge again. Hope for better luck this year.

Jen at Introverted Reader said...

Why is it that no matter how many shelves we have, we still don't have enough to hold all our books? I'm signing up at the Mount Blanc level. Thanks for hosting!

Anonymous said...

I'm taking the challenge! Mt. Kilimanjaro is my goal for 2016. This got me really excited about the year ahead!

Anonymous said...

I'm taking this challenge! My goal is Mt. Kilimanjaro. This got me really excited about the new year!

doodles n daydreams said...

Hi, I thought I had already made a comment but can't find it. anyway I am doing the Pike's Peak challenge and plan on reading one of the books per month along with others that I read. I'm keeping track on my blog.


List Addict said...

Thanks for the challenge. It's cathartic! Gives me a reason to get over the 'I'll save it for later' or the 'If I start this now it will be finished and then I will never be able to start it again' reasoning. We'll see how we go!! Thanks again for hosting. Enjoy reading.

Fur Earwig

Anonymous said...

This was exactly my resolution this year. And so far i seem to be sticking to it, with 7 books already done :-D

Will join the challenge on GR!


Jemima Pett said...

Well, I've just got to the Mount Blanc, so I might have a go at Mt Vancouver now - after all, there's three months left!