Sunday, November 1, 2015

2016 Read It Again, Sam

For those of you who love to revisit old friends in the book world, I present another round of The Read It Again, Sam Challenge. When I said the challenge was going into mothballs last year, there were cries of dismay from certain quarters [neer & TracyK  :-) ] And this year's challenge has attracted more participants than ever, so here we go....another chance to get credit for rereading old favorites.
One change: My financial situation has also made it necessary to cut down on the prizes I offer for challenges I host. There will not be a prize offered for this particular challenge this year.


*Once you choose your challenge level, you are locked in for at least that many books. If you find that you're lost in a nostalgic haze and want to tackle a higher level, then you are certainly welcome to upgrade.  You cannot change down, however.

*Challenge runs from January 1 to December 31, 2016.

*You may sign up anytime from now until November 1st, 2016.
Any book read from January 1 through December 31, 2016 will count no matter when you sign up.

*Books may be used to count for other challenges as well.
*Please post about the challenge on your blog.

*Please sign up using the Linky below. Use a direct link to your challenge post as your url. Please don't connect to just your home page.  Links to a list on GoodReads or other social media sites are also acceptable. Please post about the challenge on your blog if you have one .
*Please use the Headquarters Page [coming at the beginning of the year] to post review links and a final wrap-up post when you finish the challenge.  Reviews are not required--but I would love to see what you think about the books that you've read if you do review.

*No blog or GoodReads site? That's okay. Post a comment here to announce your entry into the challenge and when you have completed the challenge just post a comment at the review site with a list of your books. 

Déjà vu: Reread 4 books
Feeling Nostalgic: Reread 8 books
A Trip Down Memory Lane: Reread 12 books
Living in the Past: Reread 16+ books

(Linkup closed)



TracyK said...

Thanks for continuing this. I will be signing up.

Anja K. said...

Yay, I am looking forward to doing this again in 2016, as I plan to do more rereading of series I enjoy, etc.

A. Rivera said...

Thank you for continuing. This is my first attempt at the challenge. Look forward to see what other folks reread.

Best, and keep on blogging.

Libby U said...
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