Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Favorite Authors: A-Z

I saw this meme posted at What Red Read...who found it over at The Book Stop. We're supposed to list our favorite authors from A-Z--one for each letter of the alphabet. I knew that because of my mystery addiction, I could probably fill up an alphabet with just mystery to make it a bit more challenging, I've done two lists one with general fiction and poetry and one with mystery authors only. Let's see how I did:

General Fiction & Poetry
A: Jane Austen
B: Julian Barnes
C: Lewis Carroll
D: Emily Dickinson
E: Umberto Eco
F: Gustave Flaubert
G: Oliver Goldsmith
H: Robert A. Heinlein
I: [only if I count my mystery author, Michael Innes]
J: James Joyce
K: Maxine Hong Kingston (actually for non-fiction)
L: David Lodge & D. H. Lawrence
M: Edna St. Vincent Millay
N: Vladamir Nabokov

O: Michael Ondaatje

P: Katherine Anne Porter & Edgar Allan Poe

Q: [only if I count my mystery author, Ellery Queen]

R: Rainer Maria Rilke

S: Robert Louis Stevenson

T: Mark Twain

U: Samrat Upadhyay

V: Jules Verne

W: Oscar Wilde


Y: Chelsea Quinn Yarbro

Z: Roger Zelazny

Mystery Authors
A: Margery Allingham

B: Leo Bruce

C: Agatha Christie; John Dickson Carr; Edmund Crispin

D: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

E: Margaret Erskine

F: E. X. (Elizabeth) Ferrars

G: Kerry Greenwood

H: Cyril Hare

I: Michael Innes

J: P. D. James

K: Laurie R. King

L: Frances & Richard Lockridge

M: Philip MacDonald & Ngaio Marsh

N: Simon Nash

O: Anthony Oliver
P: Stuart Palmer
Q: Ellery Queen

R: Ruth Rendell

S: Dorothy L Sayers

T: Josephine Tey

U: Arthur W. Upfield

V: S. S. Van Dine

W: Henry Wade


Y: Margaret Yorke

Z: Carlos Ruiz Zafon

I did much better with the mystery field. I'm doing the Mystery Authors A-Z Challenge and have a name down for X (Ye Xin: A Pair of Jade Frogs), but I haven't been able to find and read it yet, so I didn't feel like I could claim it for X.


Red said...

I'm so impressed you managed to do not just one but 2 of these lists. And I declare X doesn't count cos I certainly can't think of a single author that fits.

Anonymous said...

Very well done.