Behold a Fair Woman (1954) by Francis Duncan (William Underhill)
Mordecai Tremaine, whose hobby is amateur detecting under the guise of people watching, decides that he needs a little break from bodies he seems to stumble over. His friends Mark and Janet Belmore had invited him to come stay with them at their cottage on the quiet little island of Moulin d'Or. Nothing much ever happens there on the sun-warmed beaches. Well...until Mordecai shows up.
He makes the acquaintance of other holiday-seekers--those in cottages near the Belmores as well as those staying at the island's Rohane Hotel. What seems at first to be a nice group of young people (well--younger than Mordecai, anyway, who describes himself as elderly) soon prove to be otherwise. There are tensions running underneath the surface and Mordecai's curiosity is aroused by the interactions between hotel owner Hedley Latinam, his sister Ruth, and their guests, Nicola Paston, Geoffrey Bendall, Ivan Holt, Major Ayres, and Mrs. Burres. Every sentence seems to have a double-meaning, but he's got his work cut out to discover what those meanings are. And, although cottage-dwellers Alan and Valerie Creed claim not to know the Latinams, Mordecai chances to see a furtive meeting between Alan and Hedley. The only one who seems well out of it (besides the Belmores) is Ralph Exenley.
Ralph is another neighbor of the Belmores and Mordecai gets on well with the tomato grower. He takes great interest in Ralph's gardening methods and the amateur detective finds it soothing to have a place where he can just talk about things (while he thinks over what he's observed in his people-watching). But his interest in Ralph's tomato production leads him to the discovery of yet another body. Ralph has an interesting water tank set-up to keep his plants watered and one morning Mordecai asks if he may climb the ladder and check things out. When he does, he discovers Hedley Latinam floating in the tank.
Ralph knows of Mordecai's reputation as an amateur sleuth and mentions him to Inspector Colinet when he arrives to investigate the case. Soon Mordecai and the Inspector are discovering motives aplenty. And added to the mix is an escaped prisoner who has vowed revenge on the man whose testimony helped put him behind bars. The prisoner has made a beeline for the island...could that have anything to do with Latinam's death? And why do people keep milling about the old, abandoned mill...and then pretending that they weren't really interested in it?
So...I started at the end of the series. Maybe not the best idea, but at least it doesn't spoil the plot for earlier ones, Generally speaking, I like Duncan's way with characters. Mordecai Tremaine is charming. I love that he secretly loves to read romantic, sentimental stories. He's a people person; genuinely interested in the people around him and his romantic soul would love to see them all happy. But his curiosity also makes him wonder what they're really up to. I have to say, though, he's not much of a detective. He stumbles into things. He overhears conversations. He just happens to be in the right place at the right time to see certain people together. He just happens to hear an odd sound late one night. And that's another thing...lots of coincidences and "just happens." The local church lesson "just happens" to be the very one that will explain a certain phrase to Mordecai just in time for him to figure out a key piece to the puzzle. It's all rather contrived and the wrap-up falls a bit short.
On the whole, pluses in characterization and the setting balance out the minuses in plot and detection. ★★★
First line: The ship's passage through the water had transformed a light breeze into a chilling wind.
But it wasn't his fault that he seemed to have a remarkable propensity for discovering corpses. He didn't go around looking for the bodies of people who'd been murdered; they just happened, and there wasn't anything he could do about it. (p. 144)
When you were faced with such a tangle of problems you needed solitude and a place in which to think. Maybe, in the air and the sunshine, the solution would be easier to find. (p. 230)
Sometimes, though, things you thought were loose ends turn out to be very important indeed. (pp. 285-6)
Last line: Maybe he did know after all.
Deaths = 3 (one hit on head; one shot; one fell from height)