January is a rough month for me--so I'm
either going to miss out on the Tuesday Night gatherings altogether or I am (as
I am tonight) going to me late to the Tuesday Night Blogger's party each week.
Most likely when I do pop in for a bit of tea and scones, it will be with an
offering of a previous review.
It is the start of a new year and with January being the first month, we at
the Tuesday Night Bloggers (a group of eccentric eclectic crime fiction
bloggers) decided to have firsts as this month’s theme. Such a theme is wide
open to interpretation so over this month posts may be touching on first books
by authors and first appearances of our favourite sleuths, as well as a host of
other crime fiction firsts.
If you haven't already done so, you'll want
to head over to Kate's and see what other "firsts" have been offered
up this week and in the previous January gatherings.
I decided that this week I would take us back
to the beginnings our featured authors's detective career (in January's TNB
logo at left) and give you all a peek at the very first Mr. and Mr North book
by Frances and Richard Lockridge--The Norths Meet Murder (1940). It is a
lovely beginning to Frances & Richard Lockridge's series which features
(to varying degrees) Pam and Jerry North as the slightly "screwy,"
yet classy amateur sleuth husband and wife team and the sharp Lieutenant (later
Captain) Bill Weigand and his faithful, often confused sidekick Detective
Aloysius Mullins. This first outing is a bit more police procedural than later
installments and we spend a great deal of time following Weigand and Mullins
around as they hunt down clues and interview suspects. Pam and Jerry appear at
the beginning and end...as well as popping up now and again throughout, but
this is really Weigand's book.
Nobody is going to
that much trouble to get murdered. But if you're going to murder
somebody, you expect to go to a lot of trouble. I would. [Pam North]
The story opens with Jerry returning home
from work in a rather grumpy mood to find that Pam has decided that they need
to throw a party. And the empty apartment on the top floor of their building
will be the perfect location "because there was so much room and she had
just thought of it." She had already gone up earlier that day and checked
out the space (just to be sure) and had cleared the idea with their landlady,
Mrs. Buano. All she needs now is for Jerry to tell her what a fine idea it is
and to go upstairs with her so she explain all the important details (like
where they'll place the bar, for instance). Once he has downed enough
cocktails, he is persuaded to go upstairs. But instead of visualizing the party
arrangements and the expected guests, he and Pam find an unexpected guest
already lounging in the bathtub. Naked. And very dead.
This brings the cops. Lots of cops
"Six cars, every which way," Mrs. North called, excitedly.
"They don't pay any attention to one-way streets. Seven cars, and there's
going to be a crowd."
It also brings Lieutenant Bill Weigand and Sergeant Mullins. It isn't long
before the body is identified and it is discovered that the man moved within
some of the same social circles as the Norths. Which gives them a bit of a
motive--albeit tenuous. Weigand will sift the clues to find those that point to
the true villain of the piece.
It was a great delight to read this once again back in spring of 2016. I first
read it about twenty years ago or so--from the library. And have since gotten
my very own copy. When a reading challenge called for a book that involved a
party, I decided it was time to revisit my friends, the Norths. The book is a
lot of fun. The dialogue and the descriptions are breezy and delightful. Pam's
apparent non sequiturs keep Jerry, Weigand, and Mullins on their toes.
This time around, I was struck by how much I love Mullins and his distrust of
screwy murders and even screwier witnesses. I was also struck by the racism in
Mullins's treatment of a Japanese servant. I hadn't remembered that from the
first reading. I'm convinced that it had a great deal to do with the fact that
this book came out during World War II and I hope I'm remembering correctly
that there is little of it in later books.
The police procedural nature of the book is decent--although the clues are not
quite fair play. There is an interesting alibi involved and the wrap-up has a
medium-sized dose of female in jeopardy when Pam realizes who the murderer must
be and s/he realizes that Pam has had a "light bulb" moment. Overall,
great fun and light entertainment at its best. I originally gave this five
stars. This time round, I'm giving it ★★★★ and a half--with a
small deduction for the small amount of racism.