This reading challenge is hosted by Books to Share. For full details and to sign-up, please see this post.
missed seeing the Lucky
No.14 Challenge the previous year, but joined right up for this round.
This challenge is pretty straightforward--requiring us to read 15 books (or more) from 15 categories below.
Here are the 15 categories and the books I read to complete the challenge.
Chunky Brick (more than 500 pages): The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss [722 pages] (9/19/15)
Something New (newly purchased): Harlan Ellison's City on the Edge of Forever by Ellison; Adapted by Scott & David Tipton (6/5/15) [just got it today!]
Something Borrowed (from a friend, library, etc.): The Day of the Triffids by John Wyndham [library] (1/22/15)
It’s Been There Forever (TBR pile!): Malice Domestic by Sara Woods [on TBR since at least 3/2011] (3/26/15)
Freebies Time (LAST gifted book/giveaway/etc): The Summer School Mystery by Josephine Bell [challenge prize from Freda at Freda's Voice blog] (6/29/15)
Bargain All The Way (bought because of price, not necessarily content): Flying to Nowhere by John Fuller (4/14/15) [not such a bargain--not very good]
Favorite Color (cover): The Darling Dahlias & the Cucumber Tree by Susan Wittig Albert [blue] (6/5/15)
First Initial (author's first name starts with same as you): Call for Michael Shayne by Brett Halliday (4/22/15) [actually both initials are the same as mine]
Super Series (one book from a series): A Dead Man in Trieste by Michael Pearce [1st in the Seymour of Special Branch series] (1/27/15)
Opposites Attract (written by someone of opposite gender): Death & Mr. Prettyman by Kenneth Giles (3/6/15)
Randomly Picked (someone else pick from your TBR pile): The Smiler with the Knife by Nicholas Blake (4/21/15) [my son picked it for me--based on the title]
Cover Lust (pick a book with a cover you love): Swing Low, Sweet Harriet by George Baxt (9/13/15)
Who Are You Again? (author new to you): Death of a Dwarf by Harold Kemp (1/25/15)
One Word Only! (one-word title): Panic by Helen McCloy (2/22/15)
Dream Destination (setting never visited but you'd like to): Falling Star by Patricia Moyes [London, England] (6/12/15)
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