Saturday, January 12, 2013

Celebrate Good Times, Come On!: 500 Follower Par-tay

As promised: It's party time!And I want to celebrate YOU, my followers--all the wonderful people that I've met through this thing called blogging. All the folks that help to make up my 500-plus follower tally. I would never have dreamed when I started my little blog--my little online reading journal, as I thought of it--that there would be over 500 folks who would be interested in what I do. Thanks so much for stopping by, leaving comments now and again, participating in memes that I post, and humoring me in my challenge-addiction by joining the ones I host. But enough babbling...let's get this party started.

In celebration of almost three year's worth of blogging and the gathering together of a community of wonderful people, I have put together the following prize packages for a 500-Plus Follower Celebration Giveaway:

Prize #1: $25.00 gift card from Amazon.

Prize #2: $20.00 gift card from Amazon.

Prize #3: $15.00 gift card from Amazon.

Prize #4: Your choice from my prize vault of gently used books and a My Reader's Block t-shirt.  
This particular giveaway is for current followers of My Reader's Block who were signed up (through sidebar links, RSS feed, or email) as of the time of this posting. To enter please use the Linky below (only name and email required, enter your blog home page url if you'd like) and I'd appreciate a comment reminding me how long you've been a follower and perhaps letting me know what you particularly like about the blog
. All followers are welcome to enter! If an international follower wins and Amazon won't work, then we'll arrange something through The Book Depository or whatever works. Entries will be accepted through midnight on Sunday, January 20, and winners will be selected by random number generator on Monday. I will draw the winners in order of prize package beginning with Prize #1. The winners will have 48 hours to respond to an email to claim their prize.

500 Follower Sign Up

1. fredamans  8. Landslide @ Tantos Livros Tão Pouco Tempo  15. Michelle  
2. Jean @ Howling Frog Books  9. Rabid Fox  16. Arenel  
3. ShaReKay @ Lost In Kudzu  10. Stephanie  17. Rachaud Smith  
4. fakesteph  11. Valli  18. Lea  
5. Geoff @ The Oddness of Moving Things  12. Lianne @ The Towering Pile  19. Yvette  
6. a hot cup of pleasure  13. Ryan @ Wordsmithonia  20. Julie  
7. June M.  14. Evie  

(Linkup closed)


neer said...

Congratulations Bev. You deserve many more followers. I have been following your blog since 2011, guess the time you had posted your first vintage mystery challenge. I remember it was the first Reading Challenge, I had ever signed up for.

What do I like about your blog? There are so many things: the challenges that you host, being so generous when it comes to giving away of prizes, your reading and reviewing speed which amazes me no end, and the humour that is present in some of the reviews a la Strange Murders at Greystones. Here's hoping your blog continues to flourish.

Thanks for the giveaway. And though it is not asked for, I hope I win the fourth prize. I love your personal collection :).

Bev Hankins said...

Thanks so much, neer! And if you do win, I'll be tempted to offer you the fourth prize, if that's what you'd prefer. Good luck!

fredamans said...

Congrats on the following. I've been a follower for a while, but to pinpoint a time frame baffles me.
Thanks for the gracious giveaway, we should be gifting you!

Jean said...

What a nice thing to do! I must have been a follower for just over a year, since I started for the 2012 TBR challenge. :)

Topcho said...

Congrats on the followers, you def deserve them all and even more! I found your blog last year and your TBR challenge was my first... yours was actually one of the first book blogs I started following too. And since then I became absolutely addicted to reading challenges, lol!

S. said...

Love that you are a Challenge Addict (and that you admit it LOL)! I have been a follower for about a year through RSS feed.

Anonymous said...

I've been following since Oct/Nov of 2011. I started following for the 2012 Challenge and it's been great!

Congrats again!

Gram said...

I can't remember how long it has been. When you get older you tend to forget that sort of thing!!!
Thanks for writing...Dee

June M. said...

I am not sure when I started following your blog, but it has been a while. Congrats on almost 3 years of blogging and 500 followers!

Landslide said...

Congratulations Bev!

I think I started following your blog in 2010, but I'm not sure exactly when.

What I love more about your blog are the amazing reviews you write, your passion for mystery novels, especially if they're vintage, and your obsession with challenges!

I hope you keep up the blog for many, many years and keep having fun writing it. I know I'll be having fun reading it!

Unknown said...

Congrats on hitting the 500 mark. Always a great milestone. Now, here's hoping you can hit 1000.

I've had Reader's Block on my blog roll for a while now, so keep up the good work, Bev.

Bev Hankins said...

Thanks everyone for the comments! I promise that I wasn't fishing for compliments :-). I just like to know what y'all like--so I can keep on doing it.

srivalli said...

Congratulations Bev! Started following you from 2011 when I disovered your wonderful Vintage Mystery Challenge. Made me discover some great mysteries. Your challenge addiction is contagious that I caught it too! Love your Blog! Keep it Rocking!

Ryan said...

Congrats Bev, you deserve all of the followers you have, plus more.

I have loved your blog since I participated in the Vintage Mystery challenge in 2011, though I may have actually hit the follow button before that. I love your enthusisams for mysteries, and vintage mytseries in particular.

No matt what I decide to do with my blog, I will be reading yours for as long as you are around.

Evie said...

Congrats on your followers :)

Michelle Doorey said...

Congratulations on so many followers!! I think I've been following you for almost a couple of years now.
Good for you!!

Yvette said...

I've been a follower since forever, Bev. (Hell, you knew that.) You are such a generous person - geez.

Question: How the heck do you manage to read so many books in such little time?
Are you a speed-reader? If not, inquiring minds want to know.

My mind boggles when I see the lists of books read on your blog. :)

Arenel said...

Congrats! I've started blogging only recently, so I may say I have been a follower since the very beginning. Well, my beginning, but still =) I really enjoy your blog, so good luck with it!

Rachaud Smith said...

Congrats. Hope I can reach this milestone someday on my blog. Been following for a few weeks since I heard about the color coded challenge. I like that you like mysteries. Most bloggers I find are basically strictly YA. Glad to see change.

Lea said...

Congrats! I've been following since December. Got your blog off a Christmas card (Bookish Santa). Been enjoying it so far.

Bev Hankins said...

Yvette: My reading speed has gone down (I can see you rolling your eyes at that, but it's true)....I just cram every minute of reading in that I can. I'd rather read a book than anything.

Arenel, Rachaud, & Lea: So glad to have new followers! I'm not much into YA, Rachaud. I wasn't even into YA when I was a Young Adult....