Monday, October 30, 2017

Mount TBR 2018 Sign-up

January 2018 will kick off the seventh year for the Mount TBR Reading Challenge (I miscounted last year!) and I don't seem to be getting those mountains moved at all. Despite the fact that I hope to have knocked 150 books off of my 2017 Mount TBR by the end of December, there are still whole mountain ranges lined up and down my hallway and in my back room waiting to be conquered. As fast as I read 'em and get them off the stacks, my bookaholic ways help me replace them. [Case in point--just returned from a long weekend in which I brought home about 20-25 new-to-me books.]

So, once again, I plan to concentrate on reading primarily from my own books in the coming year. And you're invited to join me in knocking out some of those books that have been waiting in the wings for weeks....months...even years.

Challenge Levels:

Pike's Peak: Read 12 books from your TBR pile/s

Mount Blanc: Read 24 books from your TBR pile/s
Mt. Vancouver: Read 36 books from your TBR pile/s
Mt. Ararat: Read 48 books from your TBR piles/s
Mt. Kilimanjaro: Read 60 books from your TBR pile/s
El Toro: Read 75 books from your TBR pile/s
Mt. Everest: Read 100 books from your TBR pile/s

Mount Olympus (Mars): Read 150+ books from your TBR pile/s

And the rules:
*Once you choose your challenge level, you are locked in for at least that many books. If you find that you're on a mountain-climbing roll and want to tackle a taller mountain, then you are certainly welcome to upgrade.  All books counted for lower mountains carry over towards the new peak.

*Challenge runs from January 1 to December 31, 2018.

*You may sign up anytime from now until November 1st, 2018.

*Books must be owned by you prior to January 1, 2018. No library books. If you're looking for a library book challenge or one that counts books on your non-owned TBR list, then there may be challenges out there that do that. This one does not.

*Rereads may count only in the following circumstances: If you did not own the book when you read it long ago and far away [based on your age, you can decide what that might mean] and you bought the book pre-January 1, 2018 intending to reread it now that it's your very own.  [To clarify--the intention is to reduce the stack of books that you have bought for yourself or received as presents {birthday, Christmas, "just because," etc.}. Audiobooks and E-books may count if they are yours and they are one of your primary sources of backlogged books.]

*You may count any "currently reading" book that you begin prior to January 1--provided that you had 50% or more of the book left to finish when January 1 rolled around.  I will trust you all on that. 

*You may count "Did Not Finish" books provided they meet your own standard for such things, you do not plan to ever finish it, and you move it off your mountain [give it away, sell it, etc. OR remove it from your e-resources]. For example, my personal rule (unless it's a very short book) is to give a book at least 100 pages. If I decide I just can't finish it and won't ever, then off the mountain it goes and I count it as a victory--the stack is smaller!  

*Books may be used to count for other challenges as well.

*Feel free to submit your list in advance (as incentive to really get those books taken care of) or to tally them as you climb.

*There will be quarterly check-ins and prize drawings!

*A blog and reviews are not necessary to participate. If you have a blog, then please post a challenge sign up and link THAT post (not your home page) into the linky below. Non-bloggers, please leave a comment declaring your challenge level--OR, if you are a member of Goodreads, I will once again put together a group for the challenge there. Feel free to sign up HERE if that's where you want to participate. At the beginning of the year, I will update the sidebar link called Mount TBR Review Headquarters for current reviews and progress updates.

2018 Mount TBR Sign-up
1. Darlene @ Darlene's Book Nook  53. The Oily millennial  
2. Lisbeth @ The Content Readeer  54. Janine @ The World Was Hers for the Reading  
3. Bev@My Reader's Block  55. Mark @ Carstairs Considers  
4. Joel @ ishouldbereading  56. Lisa Loves Literature  
5. Becky @ Operation Actually Read Bible  57. Eve @ Functioning Insanity Reviews  
6. Lois@ You, Me and a Cup of Tea  58. Elizabeth @ Surrounded By Books  
7. Avid Series Reader  59. lost star  
8. Reese@Typings  60. BooksByDano  
9. Cheryl @ CMash Reads  61. Lianne @ The Towering Pile  
10. Karissa @ Hidden in Pages  62. Claire @ BrizzleLass Books  
11. Jordyn  63. Jo  
12. Rachel @ Rachel Ann Writes  64. Vanessa  
13. Nick @ One Catholic Life  65. Sheila @ The Quiet Geordie  
14. Jemima Pett, Author  66. Rhonda  
15. Gloria  67. Tess Ayala  
16. Gilda Felt  68. Sam @ RiverMoose-Reads  
17. Célia @ Estante de Livros  69. Gilion at Rose City Reader  
18. FanSee  70. Barbara H. @ Stray Thoughts  
19. Gabrielle  71. Hayley @ Hippogriffs and Hobbits  
20. Jamie @ Vailia's Page Turner  72. Sue  
21. Lori @Escape with Dollycas  73. Hannah @ Book Freak-Out  
22. Jessica @ a GREAT read  74. Jenna  
23. Christina @ Ruff Day Reviews  75. if the book will be too difficult  
24. Charlie @ Girl of 1000 Wonders  76. Hamlette @ The Edge of the Precipice  
25. Josh @ Just A Guy Who Likes To Read  77. James @rlprotagonist  
26. Christina  78. J.G. @ Hotchpot Cafe  
27. Samantha @spanda84  79. Holly @ Bippity Boppity Book  
28. Barbara @ The Bibliophage  80. MovieCritic @ Movies Meet Their Match  
29. Nikki  81. Rachael Turns Pages  
30. Jennifer S  82. TFrances @ Wading Through  
31. Tarissa @ In the Bookcase  83. Vanessa @ Blushing Geek  
32. Breanna  84. Melissa @ BookBzz  
33. Julie @ Whole Latte Ideas  85. bibliobeth  
34. Grace @ Rebel Mommy Book Blog  86. Aaron @ Dreaming About Other Worlds  
35. Jas16  87. Bogdana The Booknerd  
36. Bev Baird  88. Major Yammerton  
37. Vanessa @ Novel Nerd Faction  89. Tracy Terry @ Pen and Paper  
38. Kate @ booksaremyfavouriteandbest  90. Zoe@What's Better Than Books?  
39. Hailey  91. Danya @ A Tapestry of Words  
40. LuAnn @ Back Porchervations  92. Mervi  
41. Jean @ Howling Frog  93. Julie @ Smiling Shelves  
42. Gina @ Hott Books  94. Catherine  
43. Jessie @Dwell in Possibility  95. Michelle aka Naila Moon@Reading Authors  
44. Krysta  96. Veronica@LibriAmoriMiei  
45. Jess @ conjuringbooks  97. Sue @ Book By Book  
46. Lucy @ ChooseYA  98. Erica @Musings of A Bookish Nerd  
47. Katherine  99. Joana@Bookneeders  
48. Anja @ The Dilettante Bookworm  100. TracyLynn  
49. Stephanie @ Curling up by the Fire  101. a hot cup of pleasure  
50. Joy @ A Little Reading  102. Angelica @ Paperback Princess  
51. Jen@366andmore  103. Randi Robinson  
52. Cheryl @ The Book Connection  

(Linkup closed)


Darlene said...

I'm in again! Thanks for hosting, Bev.

shaunesay said...

I definitely need to do this, I seem to be reading everything but my own books! Will get a sign up post together later.

Barbara H. said...

I'm definitely in! I usually do a post about my reading plans for the year near the beginning of the year, so I will link up then.

CMash said...

I'm in. Thank you for hosting! Hope to do better than I did last year!

Jemima Pett said...

I'm in again... I'm still hoping to complete Mt Vancouver for 2017 (even with 8 books to go and only five weeks), and will go for the same again. I do count library books where the books have been on my TBR for a long time. C'mon, with 550 books on my TBR I'm desperate!

Nick Senger said...

I think I'm going to squeak by this year, barely making my goal. The Mount TBR Challenge is a great motivator for me, so I'm in again for 2018!

Gloria G said...

One more year --one more TBR pile --] one more valiant try at Mt. Ararat......[hopefully beyond]

Gabrielle said...

I did this challenge several years ago, looking forward to trying it again! I'm going for Mt. Vancouver. I have plenty of books in my own stacks, now if I can only stay focused and not get distracted by all the shiny new titles...

Unknown said...

I am going to join this year!!

Christina On A Mission said...

I'm in for this. I'm setting myself up with low expectations at Mount Blanc - need to write in 2018 too.

LuAnn @ BackPorchervations said...

I have succumbed to the reading siren's call. :p

Katie said...

I'd like to participate! I have a mostly disused blog that I might post it on, but for now, I'd like to sign up here. :) I'll go for Mount Blanc to start with and might upgrade to a taller mountain if things go well!

Cheryl said...

I'm up for a polishing off a dozen. Thanks for coordinating this.

Janine @The World Was Hers for the Reading said...

I'm excited for this! My TBR pile never stops growing!

Gilion at Rose City Reader said...

I'm upping my goal to the Mt. Kilimanjaro level this year!

J.G. said...

I'm in! The TBR shelves are a big focus this year, and this should help me stick to my goal of reducing the backlog. Thanks for hosting!

The Quiet Geordie said...

Question: Do ARCs from last year count? I've already signed up, but just checking!

Cindy P. said...

Hi! I have a question--does it count if you are planning to keep it but want to move it from your TBR pile to its proper permanent place on the shelf?

Bev Hankins said...

Cindy P: I'll allow it as long as you don't later decide to give it another chance and try to count it for a future climb.

Bev Hankins said...

Sheila: Provided you got them pre-January 1.

Cindy P. said...

Thanks, Bev; No, I wouldn't do that. I have picked up other books by childhood favorite authors, and I would add them to my collection in the proper shelves/rooms, rather than my huge TBR shelves in my bedroom, but want to read them first! I just wanted to know if this is strictly for ones to actually clear out of the house, or more to reduce the "TBR" aspect :-)

I'll sign up on Goodreads. Glad to find this challenge!

wvteddy said...

I have about a million unread books on my bookshelf and on my Kindle so I decided to sign up for this challenge. I am also doing a bunch of other challenges this year and I have only gotten to a few so far. I am setting my sights low at first so I will aim for Pikes Peak this year.