Friday, August 13, 2010

Fictional Men Never Let You Down

Just entered an awesome give-away hosted by I'd So Rather Be Reading. They've got this fantastic t-shirt (see picture) that I just have to have. "Fictional Men Never Let You Down"--ain't it the truth!


Readaholics said...

Love this shirt. Will have to visit So I'd rather be reading. Stopping on the hop too.
See ya! Readaholics Anonymous

Anonymous said... it :-)

Red said...

Nice shirt :)

Nat said...

Thanks for posting this! It is a great shirt, and so much cuter in person...I get compliments on mine every time I wear it (to my husband's chagrin). :)

Black Disaster Fairy said...

That is the most perfect shirt! I seriously have to add it to my Christmas list! LOL!

Found you via the blog hop. Thanks for posting about the shirt :)


Becky said...

Hi! Im stopping by on the hop! Nice place you have here! Im a new follower! Have an amazing weekend! : )

Nat said...

Thank you so much for posting our giveaway!