Brenda Ashford is the quintessential British nanny. Prim and proper, gentle and kind, she seems to have stepped straight out of Mary Poppins. For more than six decades Nanny Brenda swaddled, diapered, dressed, played with, sang to, cooked for, and looked after more than one hundred children. From the pampered sons and daughters of lords ensconced in their grand estates to the children of tough war evacuees in London’s East End, Brenda has taught countless little ones to be happy, healthy, and thoroughly well bred. In this delightful memoir, Brenda shares her endearing, amusing, and sometimes downright bizarre experiences turning generations of children into successful adults.For my full review, please see A Spoonful of Sugar.
Thanks to the team at Doubleday, Ms. Ashford and Providence Book Promotions I have one copy of Brenda Ashford's marvelous memoir to give away to US or Canadian participants only. Entries will be accepted through Wednesday, April 10. I will use a Custom Random Number Generator to select the lucky winner based on the link up number. Please enter using the linky below. Good luck!
I enjoyed this book :)
Glad you enjoyed it too. Thanks for posting your link.
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