Hosted by Reading Between the Pages
*A theme will be posted each week on Thursday
*Select a conversation/snippet/sentence from your current book that features the theme
*Post it and don't forget to mention the author and title of the book
*Event is open for the whole week
*Link back to Reading Between the Pages
*A theme will be posted each week on Thursday
*Select a conversation/snippet/sentence from your current book that features the theme
*Post it and don't forget to mention the author and title of the book
*Event is open for the whole week
*Link back to Reading Between the Pages
And this week's theme is Name (the first name you come to).
Here's mine from Casino Royale by Ian Fleming (p. 53):
As they deciphered the maze of purple ink which covered the double folio menu, Bond beckoned to the sommelier. He turned to his companion.
[That's Bond, James Bond...]

Nice one! Yay for James Bond!
Oh Bond! James Bond! Nice one!
Nice! I like what you did there at the end!
Mine: http://tantoslivrostaopoucotempo.blogspot.com/2012/03/theme-thursday-nome.html
You hit the nail on the head with the Name. Bond... James Bond
Btw, I dint know about the GFC going away. Thanks for that!
Another one for the LoEG challenge :)
@Man of la Book: Yep! Review coming soon. Finished it on Saturday, but didn't get the write-up done.
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