Hosted by Reading Between the Pages
*A theme will be posted each week on Thursday
*Select a conversation/snippet/sentence from your current book that features the theme
*Post it and don't forget to mention the author and title of the book
*Event is open for the whole week
*Link back to Reading Between the Pages
*A theme will be posted each week on Thursday
*Select a conversation/snippet/sentence from your current book that features the theme
*Post it and don't forget to mention the author and title of the book
*Event is open for the whole week
*Link back to Reading Between the Pages
And this week's theme is Movement.
Here is mine from "The Carousel" in The Rose Window & Other Verse from New Poems by Rainer Maria Rilke (p. 65):
And on the lion rides all white a boy
and holds himself with his small hot hand,
the while the lion shows his teeth and tongue
Ah, that's a good one! Thanks for sharing...and here's MY THURSDAY THEMES POST
Thanks for sharing! It's nice to have a poetry entry in the meme. Here's my Theme Thursday .
Hi Bev,
I'm not fond of poetry but I like this one. Have a great day!
Just Books
I like this poetry snippet. A different perspective to this week's theme
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