Mayri at Book Forager is offering the Picture Prompt Book Bingo again this year. I enjoyed it so much last year that I've just got to sign up again. This is a pretty open challenge--just read books that connect in some way with the pictures on the bingo card. An apple? There could be an apple or apple tree on the cover. Or the book could be about a teacher [an apple for the teacher :-)]. As long as you're happy with the connection, Mayri says go for it!
1. Arrowhead
2. Lighthouse
3. Apple on a branch: Poison for Teacher by Nancy Spain [apple for the teacher] (1/31/25)
Poisoned Apples by Christine Hepperman (3/20/25)
4. Archery target
5. Large telescope
6. Human skull: Dangerous Davies: The Last Detective by Leslie Thomas (1/11/25) [Davies solves cold case and finds remains of a teenager missing for 25 years]
7. A stag
8. Ruins of a temple: The Book of Killowen by Erin Hart (2/4/25) [ruins play a part in the story]
9. A crab
10. Sheaf of Wheat: Behold a Fair Woman by Francis Duncan [an old mill where wheat was ground plays a central part in the plot] (2/26/25)
11. Old manual typewriter: Deadly Is the Diamond by Mary Roberts Rinehart [a writer is our narrator] (2/22/25)
12. Cluster of mushrooms: "Inquest" by Henrietta Clandon (2/21/25) [whether or not the first victim was poisoned by mushrooms is a big plot point]
13. Umbrella/parasol: The Incredible Umbrella by Marvin Kaye (3/21/25)
14. Chemistry bottles/test tubes: The Deadly Truth by Helen McCloy (1/15/25) [Scientist as main character]
15. Sun with human face: The Snow Queen by Joan D. Vinge (2/1/25) [Sun for the Summer people in the story...and the coming of the Summer Queen]
16. Roman helmet
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